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Preparations for the 175th Anniversary of Abay
In the capital of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, a meeting of the State Commission on the preparation and holding of the 175th anniversary of Abay Kunanbayuly was held.
Opening the meeting, the State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Marat Tazhin, highlighted the importance of the «Ruhani Zhangiiru» program and the great importance of the anniversary event, which is aimed at popularizing the spiritual heritage of the great Kazakh enlightener and poet - Abay Kunanbayuly.
The meeting was attended by the Minister of Culture and Sports Aktoty Raimkulova, Minister of Education and Science Askhat Aymagambetov, Minister of Information and Social Development Dauren Abaev, Rector of L.N. Gumilyev ENU Erlan Sydykov, Akim of the East Kazakhstan region Danial Akhmetov, Executive Director of the National Translation Bureau Rauan Kenzhekhanuly.
The meeting participants noted that the works of Abay will be translated and published not only in English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, French, Turkish, Japanese, German and Italian, but also in the languages of the Turkic peoples. Documentary films about the life, work, heritage and role of Abay in the development of Kazakh literature and culture will be shot. International presentations of the works of Abay will be organized in foreign countries.
One of the key events should be the holding of an international scientific and practical conference at the UNESCO headquarters with the participation of famous domestic and foreign scientists-abaeologists and writers, including a Gala concert of creative teams of Kazakhstan.
The education system will also take an active part in popularizing the heritage of Abay. Among the schoolchildren, the phased Republican Olympiads for the best knowledge of the creative heritage of Abay will be held. Winners and laureates will become owners of 50 educational grants for studying at Al-Farabi KazNU and L.N. Gumilyev ENU. The contestants will take part in the solemn «Ball of Abay» in the capital of the country. In addition, excursion tours to Abay places are planned for students from all regions of the Republic– «Abay zherіne sayahat» and etc.
Moreover, a nationwide professional competition will be held for teachers and University professors on the best methodology for teaching Abay’s creativity. «Abay readings» are planned in all Universities of the country in different formats, which will be aimed at popularizing the heritage of the great poet.
In addition, within the framework of the Anniversary, the restoration of the Abay-Shakarim mausoleum complex and the Abay house-museum of the State historical-cultural and literary-memorial museum-reserve of Abay «Zhidebay-Borili» is planned.
Until October 1, 2019, all proposals should be submitted to the State Commission for inclusion in the draft Republican Plan for the preparation and holding of the 175th Anniversary of Abay Kunanbayuly.