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The Republican Scientific-Practical Conference «Society. Education. Personality» and the presentation of a book from the series «Onegeli Omir», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of a prominent statesman and public figure, World War II veteran Kataev Turganbek Kataevich was held at the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology of Al-Farabi KazNU.
Turganbek Kataev was born on September 14, 1919 in the village of Ali, Ili district, Almaty region. Having been left without a father, he developed a special character from his childhood, expressed primarily in the pursuit of knowledge. He received secondary education in Almaty. For the future statesman and public figure, service in the ranks of the Red Army turned out to be a good school.
The Conference was attended by public and state figures, scientists K.Naribaev, M.Zhurynov, R.Amirov, A.Bizhanov et al. The book dedicated to the life and work of Turganbek Kataev was presented by academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kopzhasar Naribaev and Kenzhegali Sagadiev. Invited guests shared their memories about the life of a great personality.
A video about the scientific discoveries of Kataev was presented to participants and guests of the Conference. Acting as a moderator, rector of KazNU. Al-Farabi academician Galym Mutanov expressed his appreciation to the activities of Turganbek Kataev.
«Turganbek Kataev belonged to a number of leaders from the older generation - the generation of soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. His name is marked by a symbol of true intelligence, bright talent from nature, the breadth of the soul of a true scientist, teacher and citizen. He always found time for meetings with students, and showed particular concern for Kazakh youth. He went down in the history of Kazakhstan as a major organizer of public education, and there is not a single higher and secondary specialized educational institution, not a single school in the country where his students work fruitfully», - said the Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor B. Karibaev.