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World Uninersites Meet at KazNU
The large-scale events of world significance have been launched at the leading University of country - Al-Farabi KazNU, which are aimed at improving the competitiveness of domestic higher education and the export potential of educational services.
A number of significant high-level events will be held within the framework of the Global University Summit:
- QS World Wide Conference and Exhibition «Towards Excellence Based on the Harmony of Human Heritage and Advanced Technologies», organized by KazNU jointly with the internationally recognized and reputable QS international rating agency;
- Meeting of the General Assembly of the University Alliance of the Silk Road (SUN), uniting more than 130 universities in the world;
- Workshop of the worldwide Network of Socially Responsible Universities (USRN), which includes leading HEIs from different continents;
- Global Congress «The Role of Youth in Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals – 2030» in support of the «G-Global» initiative.
For the first time in world practice, several major international events, with such an authoritative composition of participants, are being held simultaneously within one University. It is attended by over 800 academic leaders - University Rectors (www.utp.edu.my; www.urdu.uz; https://ub.ac.id; www.kaznu.kz); scientists and experts from more than 50 countries; including representatives of the UN, UNESCO and other international organizations; world famous companies Microsoft, BBC, Elsevier, Springer Nature, YODAK, and AKSON; Heads of Universities, which are included in the top 800 international QS ranking of «World University Rankings»; members of the SUN, USRN, the IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence; experts of the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE).
They will participate in the discussion and development of a new model for the future development of HEIs in the framework of the integration of education, science, advanced technologies and spiritual values. The organizers are confident that the joint holding of events on one platform will give a synergistic effect in enhancing the role of universities in the formation of human capital and solving global problems.
Holding world-class events will contribute to the dynamic development of higher education in the country, attracting investments in this important area, increasing the export potential of domestic education, recognizing Kazakhstan and its transformation into a Central Asian Educational Hub.
The solemn opening ceremony of the events and the plenary meeting of the Heads of delegations and representatives of International Organizations will be held on September 19, 2019 (beginning at 10 a.m.) in the Scientific Library of KazNU. International events will last three days with a very full program - there will be Plenary Meetings, Panel Discussions, Business meetings and the signing of Memorandums of Cooperation, an Exhibition of the achievements of the world leading universities.