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Kazakhstan’s Delegation visited Al-Farabi Mausoleum in Damascus
In order to implement the state program «Rukhani Zhangiru» and the article «Seven Faces of the Great Steppe» Elbasy N.A. Nazarbayev, a delegation from Kazakhstan, in preparation for the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, visited Damascus (Syria). The visit took place thanks to the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Lebanon and the Honorary Ambassador of the Republic of Syria to Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the visit is to familiarize with the state of the Al-Farabi cultural-historical center and mausoleum, built by the Kazakhstani side, to discuss the preparation and holding in 2020 of the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker Abu Nasr Al-Farabi as well as the promotion of common historical and cultural values of friendly countries and the creation of an effective interaction platform.
The Kazakhstani delegation, headed by Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU, academician Galym Mutanov, included Alimzhan Kurtayev, Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Yktiyar Paltore, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU, as well as film crews of the famous Film Director Sergei Azimov and the national television channel «Qazaqstan».
During the visit, a meeting was held with the mayor of Damascus, with whom an exchange of views on the future activities of the cultural and historical center and the Al-Farabi Mausoleum took place. Galym Mutanov expressed great gratitude to the city leadership for the preservation of the building in difficult military conditions and special interest in the renewal of scientific, educational and cultural ties with Syrian universities.
«The friendly relations between Kazakhstan and Syria have deep historical roots. Our great ancestor Al-Farabi, who was born on Kazakh soil in the city of Otyrar and Sultan Zahir Beybars rest in the holy land of Damascus. These outstanding personalities serve as a spiritual and cultural bridge connecting our countries, and serve as a vivid example for our youth», - said academician Galym Mutanov.
The mayor of Damascus emphasized his readiness to provide all possible support for the rapprochement and strengthening of mutual friendly relations, the development of cooperation in the field of science and education.
During the visit, the Kazakhstani delegation visited the University of Damascus, and Rector, Professor Mohammed Mahir Kabakibi warmly received guests from Kazakhstan. He noted that he was very pleased to meet with the delegation of the University, which bears the name of the great thinker Al-Farabi and expressed confidence in the successful development of mutually beneficial relations. The parties discussed issues of bilateral cooperation and holding anniversary events dedicated to Al-Farabi.
Rector of KazNU Galym Mutanov emphasized the particular relevance of Al-Farabi’s philosophical ideas in the formation of a virtuous society in the modern world, as well as the important role of Universities in this, which should give young people not only knowledge, but also educate them as citizens of the world with high spiritual and moral qualities. He noted that in this regard, KazNU has developed a model of a new generation university – «University 4.0», based on the symbiosis of innovative technological and spiritual-equal platforms. The model is based on the ideas of Al-Farabi concerning a virtuous society. This project was presented at the UN headquarters in New York, where it was proposed to distribute it internationally.
During the meeting, representatives of the University of Damascus were also acquainted with the project of KazNU «Formation of Citizens of Virtuous Societies. Mission of Modern Universities», implemented jointly with the UN Alliance of Civilizations. Of great interest was the activity of the scientific and educational centers and houses of Al-Farabi that were opened by KazNU in Turkey, Egypt, Italy, China, India, Bulgaria and other countries.
During the visit, the Kazakhstani delegation held a round table at the International Academy of Syria, where the issues of creative heritage and life of the great thinker Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, his philosophical views and the significance for human civilization have been discussed. At the event, it was decided to name the large hall of the International Academy, where the round table was held, in honor of Al-Farabi. The Head of the Academy, Dr. Nezar Mihoub, highlighted that by this they pay tribute to the memory of Al-Farabi, who was recognized throughout the world, and it is deeply symbolic that this event was held with the participation of a delegation from Kazakhstan. He also expressed his readiness to provide comprehensive support in the search for manuscripts and works of Al-Farabi in the research centers and libraries of Syria for further study and publication in Kazakhstan, and also wished success in joint activities.
During the visit, the crew as part of the delegation have collected video materials in Damascus for a film about Al-Farabi, which is preparing by KazNU for his 1150th anniversary.