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Strengthening Academic Influence Based on Cooperation of Central Asian Universities
Speakers of the I Central Asian Journalism Seminar on the occasion of the International Day of Universal Access to Information supported the initiative to create a media research platform. The possibility of access to information and information transparency in the field of training future journalistic staff, these and many other issues were discussed on September 27 at the first Central Asian seminar on journalism dedicated to the International Day of Universal Access to Information “Access to Information: Strengthening Academic Influence”. This event, which was attended by professors and students from Uzbekistan, Karakalpakstan, Kyrgyzstan, provided an opportunity for participants to take practical part in the dialogue and exchange the latest academic experience. A significant guest of the seminar was also Dr. Beate Josephie, who arrived to the southern capital of our country from distant Australia.
The seminar was organized by the joint efforts of the UN Global Communications Department and the Department of Printing and Electronic Media of KazNU al-Farabi, with the assistance of the political group of the Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Institute for Sustainable Development Ban Ki-moon. After the welcoming speeches of the organizers, the floor was taken by F. Muminova, professor at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy of Uzbekistan, who spoke about the problems of access to information in the practice of journalists. Continued the theme of journalism education in Uzbekistan Mamatova Y.M. from National University of Uzbekistan. A. Duyshekeeva, Dean of the Journalism Department, Kyrgyz National University named after Zh. Balasagyn and M. Myrzagulov, talked about modern realities and prospects of Kyrgyz journalism from the International University of Kyrgyzstan.
Dr. Beate Josephie, who is an honorary Associate at the Department of Media and Коммуницатионс the University of Sydney, made a presentation, “The Worlds of Journalism Study,” which described in detail the research of WJS and encouraged those present to participate in future projects. After her, Turdubaeva E.O., from the American University of Central Asia, made a presentation on the topic “Training in Journalism in Kyrgyzstan for the Sustainable Development Goals”. All presentations were accompanied by active discussions from the participants, who gladly exchanged the latest best practices from their experience.
And at the end of the seminar, the announcement was made about the decision to create an association of faculties and departments of journalism among Central Asian universities, which were presented at the event. This association is designed to help strengthen academic influence in the training of journalistic personnel and is the result of many years of cooperation between universities.