In accordance with the requirements of the Minister Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan to strengthen military-patriotic work with pre-call , conscript youth and improve the quality of primary military-technical training in secondary school, October 17, 2019 at the Faculty of Military The Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi held a seminar-meeting with the deputy directors of educational work and the heads of the primary military-technical schools of the Bostandyk district of Almaty.
The seminar was presented by the head of the military department of KazNU named al-Farabi Colonel Azhimov O.V., who told about the history, structure and system of military training at the military department of the oldest university in our country - KazNU by name Al-Farabi.
The deputy head of the military department, Colonel Toekin M.R., gave an instructional report on modern methods of teaching military disciplines. During the seminar, the schedule of open days at the military department was agreed, as well as schedules for ostentatious and programmatic classes in military disciplines with teachers of the NVTP and schoolchildren.
The participants of the seminar familiarized themselves with the military department's training and material base, the center of military-patriotic work, and the named of Kazakhstan's folk heroes S.Nurmagambetov and B.Momyshuly.
It should be noted that such events with representatives of schools in Almaty, the leadership of the military department are held on a planned basis regularly. In the 2018-2019 school year alone, more than 2,000 schoolchildren in the southern capital attended various military-patriotic events.