A meeting with Indian scientist, author of the book about Mirza Muhammad Haidar Duglat - Mansura Haidar was held at the library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The meeting was organized by the Faculty of History, Archaeology and Ethnology. Undergraduate, Master and PhD students of KazNU and guests from Abai KazNPU, Ch.Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology participated in the event.
It was very important to meet with Professor Mansura Haidar, because the medieval scientist, statesman and historian Mirza Muhammad Haidar Duglat has a direct connection with the history of Kazakhstan. Her work is the important source that was written about the Kazakh khanate. And in recent years, there is a different opinions among scientists that Muhammad Haidar Duglat was a representative of the Kazakh people. One of the adherents of this view is Ms. Mansura Haidar. During the meeting, Mansura Haidar highlighted the historical link between the states created by the descendants of Genghis Khan. She pointed out that the relations between Kazakhstan and India began from early times and some linguistic similarities testify to this.
From an early age scientist's dream was to study the history of Central Asia. So she explained purposes of writing books about Mukhammed Haidar Duglat. At the end of the meeting the scientist thanked the staff of Al-Farabi KazNU, as well as participants of this event.