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Men Zhastarga Senemіn!
10/26/2019Al-Farabi KazNU with the support of the «Zhandanu Alemi» Foundation, the Youth Wing of Zhas Otan, the Writers' Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Almaty Akimat, is holding the Seventh Patriotic Youth Forum «Men Zhastarga Senemіn!» dedicated to the Day of the First President and International Student Day. Inforation partners - «Kazakh Radiosy», «Nurmedia» Holding.
Forum Information partners - «Kazakh Radiosy» and «Nurmedia» Holding.
The purpose of the Forum is to increase the patriotism and civic responsibility of student youth for the future of Kazakhstan.
The Forum Program includes the following events:
- Competition of socially significant student innovation projects «My Real Contribution to the Innovative Development of the Country»;
- Student essay contest on the topic: «What Can I do to Ensure the Prosperity of My Country?»;
- Competition of civil-patriotic student poetry works on the topic: «Men Zhastarga Senemіn!»;
- Competition of performers of the patriotic songs «Mangilik Yel - Muratim!»;
- the best creative work dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU.
The Forum consists of two stages:
Stage I - a qualifying stage, where participants send an application and contest material to the Organizing Committee to the following e-mail - mjskaznu@gmail.com before November 5, 2018.
The application must contain the following information: official name of the University, full name of student (s), course, specialty, name of the competition work, contacts, including mailing address, phone numbers, and E-mail.
Requirements for contest materials:
1. The competition of innovative student projects «My Real Contribution to the Innovative Development of the Country» accepts works aimed at solving topical socially significant problems of socio-economic, political, cultural, and environmental development of the country and regions in the context of «Ruhani Zhagyru» program. The projects should be provided in print and in an electronic form.
The project should fully cover the essence and advantages of the idea under consideration and contain the following sections: title page (University, direction, nomination, authors of the project), name, relevance, purpose, objectives, general intent, forms and mechanisms for implementation, resource provision, expected result, and project timeline. Attachments to the project in the form of photo, video, audio materials, clippings, advertising and other additional materials illustrating the project activities are welcomed.
Project evaluation criteria: innovation, realism, originality, non-standard decisions, specific mechanisms and means of implementation, optimal combination of costs and work efficiency, and the viability of the project.
2. A student essay (a prose essay-argument) on the topic «What Can I do to Ensure the Prosperity of My Country?» should contain the following parts: a title page, a content or a brief outline of the work to be done, an introduction, a main part and conclusion. The text size should be 3-7 printed pages (The Times New Roman, 14 point size with 1.5 interval). The main evaluation criteria: relevance and completeness of topic, originality of the idea, individuality of thinking, and emotional impact on the reader.
3. The poetry contest «Men Zhastarga Senemіn!» accepts author poems dedicated to young people as a significant social group, its place and role in the development of country, strengthening spiritual and moral values. Main evaluation criteria are the following factors: stylistic literacy, semantic content, relevance to the theme of competition, and strength of emotional impact. The volume of the poem should be no less than 8 and no more than 30 lines.
4. Competition of performers of the patriotic song «Mangilik Yel - Muratim!» accepts the Audio recordings of songs on civil and patriotic themes (in a mini-disk, a CD-ROM sent by mail or mp3 format by email) that are performed by one or several participants. The main evaluation criteria is as follows: intonation purity, scenic culture, compliance of the works with the competition content and an artistic image. Performance of songs in the Final Round of the Gala Forum is possible only with a high-quality soundtrack «minus 1».
5. Contest «The best creative work dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU», the work should contain the following parts: title page, content or short plan of the work performed, introduction, main part and conclusion. The volume of the text is 3-7 printed pages (font «Times New Roman», 14 size, 1.5 spacing). The main evaluation criteria: relevance and completeness of the topic, original ideas, individual thinking, emotional impact on the reader.
Participants who have passed the qualifying round will be sent an invitation to the Gala Forum.
The Winners will be awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes. The contestant, who take the first place, will be awarded the main prize - a grant from Al-Farabi KazNU for a year of free tuition. The best contest materials will be published in a special collection of student works.