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Effective Collaboration
Al-Farabi KazNU and the Department of Science and Technology for Social Development of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China have outlined plans for cooperation in Medicine, Biology and Chemistry. At a bilateral meeting of the Rector of KazNU Galym Mutanov and the Deputy General Director of the Department of Science and Technology for Social Development of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the PRC Tien Baoguo, concrete steps were announced for the implementation of a future joint project.
Thus, based on the work carried out by University scientists in the field of chemistry of medicinal plants and biologically active natural compounds, at the beginning of the year, a Center for the production of medicines based on natural raw materials of Kazakhstan was established on the campus.
During the meeting, the PRC delegation got acquainted with the scientific, educational and international activities of the University. In particular, it was noted that a Supercomputer will be delivered to KazNU under a government grant, which is one of the top 500 most productive supercomputers in the world and it will significantly expand the possibilities in the field of IT and scientific and technical cooperation between the HEIs of the University Alliance of New Silk Road, uniting more than 130 Universities of the world. Today, work continues on the territory of KazNU to create an international IT-technology park and a Center for supercomputer and cloud computing.
It should be noted that during the recent visit of the President of Kazakhstan K.Tokayev to China, the Rector of KazNU, academician Galym Mutanov, who was part of the government delegation, met with representatives of high-tech companies. As a result of negotiations on expanding scientific and technical cooperation, a Memorandum was signed with Inspur in the field of high technologies. Under the agreement, the Parties will implement joint projects for the production of high-performance servers, data storage systems and personal computers in Kazakhstan, etc.
Discussing the achievements in innovative technologies, information was announced about the launch of the Kazakhstani nanosatellite «Al-Farabi-2», created in Al-Farabi KazNU, from the Cosmic Station in the state of California (USA). The nanosatellite was designed to solve original scientific, technological and educational problems. The guests were also told about the activities of the Kazakhstani-Chinese Center for Remote Sensing of the Earth, opened at the University, and the implementation of research projects.
In turn, Tian Baoguo, Deputy Director General of the Department of Science and Technology for Social Development of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, thanked the leadership for the warm welcome and highlighted the scale of the University and its high international status among Universities. He expressed confidence that the planned cooperation in the field of traditional medicine would be of great benefit to the whole society. The Chinese side proposed to carry out scientific research, grow medicinal plants and establish joint small-scale production of medicines based on the allocation of new natural compounds.
The project will be funded by the PRC. Today, 4566 medical centers, in which more than 8.5 billion people were treated, are successfully operating in China. More than 750 million students and 2,000 traditional medical factories work in 43 traditional medical universities of the PRC. As the Parties emphasized, expanding the borders in the field of medicine and science, great opportunities are opening for cooperation between the two countries.