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The Holding of Al-Farabi's 1150th Anniversary was Discussed
Ambassador on Special Assignments of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kairat Lama Sharif visited Al-Farabi KazNU in order to discuss joint efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the University to implement an action plan to celebrate the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi.
During the working visit, the Ambassador met with the Rector of KazNU, Academician Galym Mutanov, where Kairat Lama Sharif acquainted the University representatives with the schedule of the main events developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the anniversary of Al-Farabi in foreign countries. During the meeting, an agreement was reached on joint work to hold the Year of Al-Farabi and the exchange of information with the Embassies of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad on events dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the Great thinker.
As Rector of KazNU Galym Mutanov highlighted, the University, which carries the name of the Great Thinker with dignity, has been carrying out a great job to promote the image of Al-Farabi as one of the greatest minds of world civilization and its key ideas. The Al-Farabi Center established at KazNU is actively conducting comprehensive research on the ideas of the great philosopher and their significance in the era of globalization in collaboration with leading foreign scientific schools. To the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, KazNU together with the Media Companies of Holland and Turkey has made a series of documentaries about the scientist. In order to popularize the image of Al-Farabi in a high scientific and technological environment, KazNU launched into space the first Kazakhstani nanosatellite «Al-Farabi-1» from the Indian cosmodrome and the second nanosatellite «Al-Farabi-2» from the cosmodrome in the USA (California). Work is underway to create the Al-Farabi Science and Technology Valley according to the «Silicon Valley» model, the core of which will be the international IT technology park of the Silk Road University Alliance, uniting more than 130 HEIs of the world.
Based on the idea of Al-Farabi on a virtuous society, KazNU has developed and implemented a model of a new generation university – «University 4.0». It is implemented on the basis of the concept of «Al-Farabi University Smart City» and is based on a symbiosis of high-tech and spiritual-moral platforms. The University 4.0 model was presented at the UN Headquarters in New York, where it was recommended for wide distribution at the international level. In order to implement this model, KazNU together with the UN Alliance of Civilizations is implementing an international project «Formation of Citizens of a Virtuous Society. Mission of Modern Universities». Within the framework of the «University 4.0» model, it became the basis for creating an international network of Al-Farabi Centers in 12 leading universities of the world, as well as Al-Farabi House-Museums were opened in Istanbul and Delhi. Moreover, in the anniversary year, KazNU plans to open Al-Farabi Research and Educational Centers in the UAE, Bulgaria, Japan, Lithuania and other countries, as well as a University branch in Egypt.