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On the basis of the Department of the Far East, Faculty of Oriental Studies a methodical seminar for teachers of the Korean language in Almaty was held on the topic: Methods of preparing students for the Topik exams.
In order to maintain cooperation between al-Farabi KazNU and the National Institute for the study of the Korean language of the Republic of Korea and Kukmin University of the Republic of Korea, a seminar for teachers of the Korean language was held on October 18 at the Department of the Far East with the participation of a visiting Professor from Kukmin University, Ye Yun Hee. The seminar was attended by 20 teachers of the Korean language, including teachers of the Kazakh University of international relations and world languages named after Abylai Khan, the language center Korean Study and Korean schools in Almaty. The main purpose of this seminar is to prepare students for the international exam for level knowledge of the Korean language. During the seminar, Professor Ye Yoon-Hee highlighted such important issues as the structure of the international exam, thematic changes and new requirements for writing essays. The stages of preparation of students for writing essays, as well as options for mistakes made by students and ways to prevent them were considered in detail. Thanks to professionally compiled and rich materials booklets, the participants of the seminar had a good guide to prepare for the international essay writing exam. The seminar participants were grateful to Professor Ye Yun Hee for the relevant and informative lecture. The Department of the Far East is pleased with the new cooperation with the National Institute for the study of the Korean language of the Republic of Korea and Kukmin University of the Republic of Korea and hopes for long-term cooperation.