Team startup company FLYUP Group Department of Mechanics, Mechanics and Mathematics Department, KazNU Al-Farabi took second place in the competition of
business ideas among students.
Team startup company FLYUP Group Department of Mechanics, Mechanics and Mathematics Department, KazNU Al-Farabi took second place in the competition of business ideas among
For this competition, second-year students of the Department of Mechanics Seydakhmet Kazbek of the specialty "Robotic Systems" and Zhumagazy Adildaulet, a first-year student of
the specialty "Space Engineering and Technology", under the leadership of the teacher of the Department of Mechanics Berik Sagizhanov, presented the project "SMART TABLE".
The idea of the project is to create a smart table equipped with modern technologies, with the necessary software that allows you to convert the energy of sunlight into electricity and
save utility costs.
The competition of student business ideas under the #Erasmus Day, organized by the Almaty University of Energy and Communications (AUES), was attended by 14 teams. Including
the team of the department of mechanics. Our team took 2nd place. Prizewinners were awarded prizes and certificates.
From October 10 to 12, Erasmus Day was held around the world to support the global event with the hashtag #Erasmus Days 2019.
Department of Mechanics