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Step Towards Progress
The First brainstorming «Dialogue Platform OIS-15» was held in Almaty, at which representatives of the countries participating in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) discussed issues of scientific and innovative integration, as well as ways to solve problems that impede the development of science, technology and innovation in Muslim countries. The leading University of the country - Al-Farabi KazNU was the co-organizer of the international event.
The meeting was attended by representatives of OIC member countries, as well as international organizations: the Committee of Ministers for Scientific and Technical Cooperation (COMSTECH), the Center for Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training for Islamic Countries (SESRIC), the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), Islamic Solidarity Fund (ISF), OIC Institute for Food Security, ISESCO, etc.
The participants of the Round Table discussed issues of scientific and innovative activity relevant for the OIC member countries, identified systemic problems and worked out recommendations and solutions together with representatives of the scientific community of the OIC-15 member countries.
The modern world is faced with a number of problems, such as climate change, environmental degradation, epidemics, disease, lack of access to clean drinking water, food shortages and ongoing regional conflicts. For this reason, it is necessary to intensify efforts and resources aimed at promoting international scientific and technical cooperation, both at the diplomatic and technical levels. During the meeting, emphasis was placed on methods of using the platform to exchange views and agree on positions on issues that have scientific and technical aspects.
It is no coincidence that KazNU was chosen as the co-organizer of the first session of the «OIS-15 Dialogue Platform», given the scientific and innovative potential and mutually beneficial partnership of the General Secretariat of the OIC and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Speaking at the Round Table, the Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Galym Mutanov said: «Universities should act as the center for the production of new ideas, inventions and solutions to many global problems facing us, the development of scientific and innovative activities, as well as the formation of human capital. Heading three consecutive terms the Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Program for Sustainable Development, KazNU has developed a model of a new generation of higher education institutions - University 4.0. Based on the idea of Al-Farabi about the virtuous society of al-Madina al-Fadil, this model is implemented within the framework of the concept of Al-Farabi University Smart City and is based on a symbiosis of high-tech and spiritual-moral platforms».
Having told the participants of the Round Table about the scientific, technical and innovative achievements of KazNU, the Rector of the University submitted a number of proposals for consideration: establish an international Al-Farabi award for scientists for their contribution to the development of science and innovation; to consider the establishment by the OIC countries of educational grants for the training of foreign students at the Al-Farabi educational center in Damascus; and to create a Council of wise men of the Islamic world.
Concluding his speech, Galym Mutanov emphasized: «The initiative to create OIS-15 is under the personal patronage of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Elbasy N. Nazarbayev, and it will be another confident step towards the new era of development of the Muslim umma, and its role can determine the coordination of efforts of Muslim states for solving new problems of our time».