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Academician Gairat Sapargaliev's Office is Opened at KazNU
The grand opening of the office named after academician Gairat Sapargaliev took place at the Institute of State and Law of Al-Farabi KazNU.
The name of academician Gairat Sapargalievich Sapargaliev is known in the scientific world. He made a huge contribution to the formation of independent Kazakhstan, he took an active part in the process of state, legal and social construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The theoretical works of a prominent scientist formed the basis for building an independent Kazakhstan. He took part in drafting the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR in 1978, the Constitution of 1993 and the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 21, 2007 «On Amendments and Additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan», as well as draft State Program of Legal Reform and two concepts of legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The role of an outstanding public figure and scientist in the history of the formation of Kazakhstan is difficult to exaggerate. The study of his political and legal views is of great scientific, cognitive and practical importance.
The opening ceremony brought together prominent scientists and researchers of Kazakhstan, colleagues, relatives and students of academician G.Sapargaliev, as well as representatives of foreign Universities. Within the framework of the event, a Round Table was held dedicated to the memory of an outstanding scientist. The participants of the event made reports in which they emphasized the great contribution of the scientist to the development of legal science in Kazakhstan, warmly speaking about the human and personal qualities of Gairat Sapargalievich Sapargaliev.
Leading the Round Table, PhD, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of State and Law Aron Salimgerey in his welcoming speech noted that «Best years I was lucky to work side by side with academician Gayrat Sapargalievich. This is one of the outstanding sons of Kazakhstan, who was not just a lawyer and academician, but a real scientist, a model of fidelity to civic duty. I wish that within the walls of KazNU a worthy change would grow up for such scientists as Academician Sapargaliev, modern youth would be engaged in science, instilling faith in a worthy future for our country».
Speaking to the audience, Dean of the Faculty of Law of KazNU, Doctor of Law, Professor Daulet Laikovich Baideldinov, also emphasized: «Gairat Sapargalievich Sapargaliev was a multifaceted and versatile person, a world-class scientist. Scientists from neighboring countries — Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan — relied on his research and theoretical findings. The scientific works of academician Sapargaliev formed the basis of the legislative framework of sovereign Kazakhstan. In a rather difficult time, when due to economic difficulties, many scientific institutes were closed and reorganized, he was able to save the Institute of State and Law as a completely unique phenomenon. He worked very long and hard, examining the draft laws and actually developing the legislative future of our country».
It is significant that in memory of the outstanding scientist, a prize named after academician Gairat Sapargaliev has been established, which will be awarded to scientists for their contribution to the development of legal science. In addition, next year it is planned to celebrate on a large scale the 90th anniversary of Gairat Sapargaliev within the international scientific conference, which will be held at the Institute of State and Law of Al-Farabi KazNU.