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Arab World is Getting Closer
The International Scientific and Practical Conference «Relations of the Central Asian countries with the Arab world in the field of language, history and culture» was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The large-scale event was organized by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi KazNU together with the King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz International Center for Arabic Language (Saudi Arabia).
The Conference, which was dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the Great thinker of humanity Abu Nasr al-Farabi, the 85th anniversary of Al-Farabi KazNU and the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, was attended by prominent scientists and experts, representatives of diplomatic missions of Arab and Central Asian states, as well as the representatives of SAMK of the Republic of Kazakhstan, lecturers of the Arabic language division and students of HEIs in Almaty.
Opening the plenary session, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi KazNU Yktiyar Paltore congratulated all participants and guests on the start of the Conference and significant anniversary events. He emphasized that the Faculty is one of the leading research and educational centers of Oriental studies and the study of the Arabic language. Its graduates and scientists are known not only in Kazakhstan, but also far abroad. Teaching staff and students make a significant contribution to the implementation of important state programs such as «Cultural Heritage», «People in the Stream of History» and «The Seven Facets of the Great Steppe» initiated by the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Elbasy N. Nazarbayev.
The founder of Kazakhstani Oriental studies, the first Dean of the Faculty, academician Absattar Derbisali, welcoming the Conference participants and foreign colleagues warmly congratulated the staff of Al-Farabi KazNU with significant dates. He spoke about the history of the establishment of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the role of the outstanding oriental thinker Al-Farabi in the development of civilization, the importance and relevance of his ideas at the present stage. He also highlighted the continuity that the scientists of Orientalists of Al-Farabi KazNU have preserved, transferring the accumulated knowledge to young scientists and students, and appreciated the Dean of the Faculty Yktiyar Paltore and the teachers for the high level of organization of the Conference.
The participants of the event discussed crucial problems of the development of oriental studies nowadays, the relationship of the countries of Central Asia with the Arab world in historical, cultural, scientific, educational and religious contexts. During the meeting took place a constructive dialogue and exchange of views on the teaching of the Arabic language, the implementation of joint scientific research, participation in events dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, the anniversary of which the world will celebrate next year.
At the plenary and breakout sessions with scientific reports were made by Attache for Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Egypt - Randa Rizk Mahmoud, the Rector of the Egyptian University of Islamic Culture «Nur-Mubarak» - Muhammad ash-Shahat Abdulhamid Mohammed al-Jindi, Professor of the King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz International Center for Arabic language Mahmoud Abdullah Almahmoud, Prof. Abdulrahman Rajullah Alsulami, Abdullah Ibrahem Alhoqil, Abdulelah Saud Altuwaym, Bandar Abdulaziz Alghmaiz, Consul General of Tajikistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan Bahodur Nazir, Consul General of Uzbekistan in the Republic of Kazakhstan Abror Fathullaev, Advisor of the Supreme Mufti of the SAMK Alsabekov Mukhammad-Khusain Usmanovich, deputy director of the Central State Archive Zhylysbaeva Marziya and other scientists.
The exhibition of valuable written sources of the fund of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as works of calligraphy in Arabic were organized during the Conference.