
Teacher is a Great Concept


Meeting with the Chairman of the Committee for Social and Cultural Development and Science of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Murat Bakhtiyaruly was held at the Department of History of Kazakhstan. The event was organized by the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology.

In the course of the meeting, the graduate of the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, M. Bekhtiyaruly, shared some of his ideas and opinions on the key issues of our society.

In the global universe, human capital is an actual issue, and, of course, it is the most important resource for the state. Educated and conscious young people of the state are vast horizons of the future of the country. Murat Baktiyaruly said: «Teachers form the human capital, and consequently, the quality of education of the younger generation depends on skilled teachers and scientists. Therefore, the issue of «raising the status of teachers» in public life is being carefully monitored and sorted by the leadership today».

M. Bakhtiyaruly reviewed the main functions of the management machinery, the main tasks of the Senate control mechanism, the state programs aimed at addressing the key issues in society, and highlighted that the development of «human capital» serve as the main resource for progressive advancement. At the end of the event, there was a presentation of the book about the Kazakh khans.