The aim of the Forum was to share knowledge, experience, best practices, lessons learned and problems of aquatic culture in Peru and internationally.
The Aquatic Culture Forum was organized by the Peruvian National Water Authority (ANA, Autoridad Nacional del Agua), a state organization dependent on the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI) of Peru.
The Forum was opened by the President of the Republic of Peru, Mr. Martin Viscarra Cornejo, the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Jorge Luis Montenegro Chaveta and the head of the ANA, Mr. Amarildo Fernandez Estela.
Two participants from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University presented 3 reports at this forum: Renato Sala, Leading Researcher and Jean-Marc Deom, Senior Researcher at the International Geoarchaeology Laboratory, Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology. The following topics were presented: 1-Survey of water use and development of hydraulic structures in Peru in the Late Holocene (R. Sala, section “Ancient knowledge and water culture”, December the 4th), 2- Traditional water management systems in arid zones of Kazakhstan: ethno-geoarchaeological approach ( J.M. Deom, section “Ancestral Knowledge and Water Culture”, December the 4th), 3- Reconstruction of the evolution of the Peruvian climate: temperature, rainfall, landscape and cultures (R. Sala, section “Climate Change and Water Culture, December the 5th) .
During the conference, the exchange of knowledge on traditional water methods was fruitfully realized between researchers. This mutual enrichment will continue in the future.