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International Methodological Conference
International Methodological Conference, which started at Al-Farabi KazNU, discussed actual problems of the modern educational process.
The 50th International Scientific and Methodological Conference «Modern Interpretation of the Pedagogical Concept of Al-Farabi in the Context of Digitalization of Education» is being held at KazNU.
Within the framework of a major international forum, issues relevant to modern higher education are discussed: the creation of popular educational programs based on the development of the competency model of the graduate of Al-Farabi KazNU; the problems of interaction between education, production and business; and the formation of unique attributes and skills of modern graduates that can make them relevant in the labor market and many others.
Noteworthy is the new format for holding this Conference, initiated by the Department of Academic Affairs of Al-Farabi KazNU. The opening ceremony of the Conference took place in the Library at Al-Farabi Center, and the sections are held independently at each Faculty, which makes it possible to work in depth towards improving the interaction of the real labor market and the educational process.
Earlier, within the International Methodological Conference, a master class entitled «Developing a graduate model in the framework of harmonizing educational programs by training levels» was held at the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi KazNU, which was initiated and prepared by the Department of Business Technologies.
This master class brought together in its ranks interested participants in improving the educational process - employees of the Dean’s office, faculty members of all Departments, employers from various business structures, graduates of the Higher School.
Speakers-trainers presented a program to develop a unique competency model for a graduate of Al-Farabi KazNU of economic profile in areas and levels of training in accordance with the requirements of consumers.