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On February 10, 2020, a round table on the topic «Model of the Graduate of the Cartographic and Geodetic Direction of Modern Kazakhstan in a Market Economy» was held at the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management as part of the methodological conference «Modern Interpretation of the Pedagogical Concept of Al-Farabi in the Conditions of Digitalization of Education».
The round table was attended by leaders and representatives of the following organizations: Center for Emergency Situations and Disaster Risk Reduction, Center for Remote Sensing and GIS Terra LLP, Space Research and Technology Institute, AlmatyGeoCenter LLP, and BAZIS-A Surveying Department.
Professors of the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management Kasymkanova Kh.M., Bekseitova R.T, Koshim A.G. presented to employers educational programs in Geodesy and Cartography, Natural and Technological Risks.
After the presentation, an exchange of views took place to improve the competencies of future graduates with a view to their competitiveness in the labor market.
At the end of the round table, agreements were reached on the following issues: the opening of branches of the department in production; linking the topics of occupational studies with the content of dissertations of bachelors, undergraduates and doctoral students.
The relationship between the topics of scientific research of the Department and the list of elective disciplines in the curriculum of the Department with long-term plans of scientific and applied research of production structures.
Expanding the bases of practice, as well as conducting laboratory and practical studies of master’s and doctoral programs in production with reading them out when deriving the results of mid-term control and Midterm.