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In order to prevent and protect against coronavirus infection (COVID-19), Al-Farabi KazNU has completely transferred to distance learning using advanced digital educational technologies.
An important part of the transformation of KazNU into a research University was the digitization of all business processes. In recent years the University has created «intelligent» information-communication infrastructure and smart-campus, introduced cloud and mobile technologies, and the development of IT-services has led the University to a qualitative new digital level. This has made it possible to promptly transfer the teaching process to a distance-learning mode according to the current schedule.
«The modern and developed IT infrastructure of the University makes it possible to reach all students by distance learning. For this purpose, information-education platforms – «Univer 2.0» and «Moodle» are being used. The system «Univer 2.0» is an innovative development of KazNU, which provides support of the educational process from enrolment to graduation. The program complex makes it possible to develop courses and a base of teaching and methodological complexes of disciplines, to hold individual or group lectures, to give assignments, to monitor their performance by students, to evaluate the degree of study of the course and more. Moreover, the programmers of our University have realized the unique in their own kind integration of the system «Univer 2.0» with the most famous system of distance learning in the world «Moodle», - highlighted the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Askar Khikmetov. According to the Vice-Rector, the advantage of the system is also its rapid scaling-up to support a large flow of online listeners, the possibility of using face-to-face messaging tools with a teacher, group discussions, and exchange of files of any format.
«We do not have any difficulties with the transition to distance learning. We are also engaged in the same schedule, only remotely, the system is very convenient, we will learn a new format of learning», - said student of the 3rd course Kamila Kozhahmetova.
All students have free access to high-speed Internet in the dormitories. Situation Management Centre oversees and monitors the process of distance education.
A productive partnership between KazNU and «Microsoft» also offers great opportunities for distance learning. Thanks to joint work with the world-famous IT company and introduction of the software product «Office 365», students and teachers can use the «Microsoft Teams» service for education.
Al-Farabi KazNU, within the framework of social responsibility, is prepared to offer its platform to other educational institutions that do not have the resources of their own to provide distance learning.