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Republican Olympiad on Regional studies
On March 31, 2020, the Commission chaired by Mr. Vlastimil Samek, the Representative of the UN Department of Global Communications, has made the conclusions of the Republican Olympiad on Regional studies, which was held remotely, the event was organized by the Department of International Relations and World Economy of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The Olympiad was dedicated to one of the most relevant issues of today – Sustainable Development Goals in the context of the strategic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Participants have prepared for two assignments: first – introductory video of the team; second – presenting a «Strategic Development Plan of Kazakhstan in the Framework of Sustainable Development Goals».
Students have demonstrated their professional and personal potential, creative skills, unique ideas, and their analytical abilities and logical thinking.
Thirteen teams of the students from five Universities took part in the Olympiad, divided in three directions – Kazakh, Russian, and English.
Please see below the results of the Republican Olympiad on Regional studies.
Winning teams of the Kazakh division:
1st place:
Al-Farabi KazNU students’ team (Sydyk Abzal, Mukhametkali Gulbarshyn, Zhusupbayeva Korlan). Supervisor – teacher Rakhmetova A.
2nd place:
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of IR&WL students’ team (Bedelova Assel, Yermekbayeva Zhuldyz, Kydyrbai Nurkanat). Supervisor – Prof. Assistant Shukyzhanova A.
AlmaU students’ team (Samatova Nazerke, Nurakhanova Madina, Pernekul Aizada). Supervisor – Senior Lecturer Yessenbayev D.
3rd place:
L.Gumilyov ENU students’ team (Abdu Miras, Assan Orazbibi, Nurpeissova Dayana). Supervisor – Darkenov K.
M.Utemissov WKSU students’ team (Zadagereyeva Bekzada. Assanov Zhandos, Tynyshpayeva Gulzhayna). Supervisor – teacher Maymanova N.
Winning teams of the Russian division:
1st place:
Al-Farabi KazNU students’ team (Zhamikeshev Dastan, Yessenbekova Aizhan, Onalbayeva Aidana). Supervisor – Senior Lecturer Bakirlanova A.
2nd place:
L.Gumilyov ENU students’ team (Pernebayeva Binazir, Dmitriyeva Alyona, Ospanova Dayana). Supervisor – Prof. Tashimkhanova D.
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of IR&WL students’ team (Adaktilos Yana, Zhazylbek Alibek, Karakayeva Diana). Supervisor – Senior Lecturer Issaliyeva A.
3rd place:
AlmaU students’ team (Peissova Zhaniya, Parpiyev Adilet, Agissova Yryszhan). Supervisor – Docent Oskolkov V.
Winning teams of the English division:
1st place:
L.Gumilyov ENU students’ team (Kassymova Diana, Maratova Diana, Mukatay Baurzhan). Supervisor – Docent Bolysbekova M.
2nd place:
AlmaU students’ team (Vassilenko Darya, Ten Inna, Kozhamseitova Assel). Supervisor – Senior Lecturer Saari D.
Al-Farabi KazNU students’ team (Yussupova Elvira, Kenesariyev Sanzhar, Bakyt Maya). Supervisor – Docent Baizakova Zh.
3rd place:
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of IR&WL students’ team (Kenzhegaliyeva Aruzhan, Nygmetova Balzhan, Khadzhiyeva Saule). Supervisor – Senior Lecturer Issaliyeva A.
Our sincere congratulations to the winners!