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100 Books – in Quarantine!
The coronavirus pandemic has forced Kazakhstani Universities to switch to distance learning. Al-Farabi KazNU’s students continue to broaden their horizons and expand knowledge by reading books during quarantine. The project «100 Must-read Books for KazNU Students», initiated by Rector of the University Galym Mutanov, has gained a special significance and relevance today.
Recently, the Minister of Education and Science of the RK, Askhat Aimagambetov, has called Kazakhstani parents for benefiting from extra holidays by instilling love for reading in their children. This appeal is supported by students of Al-Farabi KazNU, which has been successfully implementing the project «100 Books» for several years. Its purpose is to familiarize students with literature, to assist in the formation of important moral guidelines and in their intellectual and spiritual development. As part of the University project, a list of the best classic works and national literature has been offered for students, from which they must choose and read one hundred books. Each student should realize that time needs to be used profitably, and the best way is to invest it for one’s own development and self-education through reading.
Currently, KazNU’s students have been studying remotely using advanced digital educational technologies. In the new conditions, self-education becomes especially relevant when students draw most of their knowledge and skills from open Internet sources, portals and educational resources, free access to which is widely available today. Unfortunately, today the book is somewhat losing its position in relation to other high-tech media. However, its most important purpose – to preserve knowledge and experience accumulated over the centuries and pass it on to the next generation – still remains relevant, and, despite the development of technology, it serves as an important link in the development of people and modern society.
The University projects like «100 Books», «Ainalandy Nurlandyr» and others make a great contribution to the civic and spiritual-moral education of youth. Curatorial hours, literary meetings and evenings with famous writers are being held in order to popularize reading at the Faculties. During quarantine, these events take place online. The most active students take part in the University-wide contest «Reader of the Year».
Devoting leisure time to reading good books, informative and high-quality literature, KazNU students increase their level of culture and education, and it will become a good foundation in their professional and spiritual-moral formation.