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According to the meeting Protocol of the Operational Headquarters for ensuring the state of emergency under the akimat (town council) of Almaty No. 6 dated 03.28.2020 in order to protect the life and health of citizens of the Almaty city and prevent the spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) for the period of the state of emergency in the city of Almaty from 00:00 hours on March 28, the following additional measures are introduced:
1) The ban on the movement of people and personal vehicles around the city without emergency.
It is forbidden to move around the city, with the exception of the following cases:
- the purchase of food products in a store within a radius of no more than 2 km from the place of residence according to registration data, including temporary;
- the acquisition of medical drugs and products in pharmacies within a radius of no more than 2 km from the place of residence according to registration data, including temporary;
- Departure to an emergency medical facility;
- leaving home in case of unforeseen emergencies and other cases that threaten human life and health;
- It is forbidden to visit relatives, acquaintances, neighbors, colleagues, etc;
- It is forbidden to gather in public places in groups of more than three people, except for people from the same family;
- it is recommended not to go outside during disinfection within 5 hours after treatment in order to avoid health effects.
The duration of quarantine is determined depending on the incubation period of the COVID-19 virus (the incubation period is 14 days) from the moment of isolation of the last patient and the completion of disinfection measures in the outbreak of infection.
The streets of the city will be patrolled around the clock by law enforcement agencies and the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
When visiting grocery stores and pharmacies, you must follow the rules:
- · at the same time entrance to grocery stores and drugstores near the house no more than 2 people;
- · monitoring compliance with a distance of at least 2 meters between people inside and outside the premises;
- · monitoring compliance with the limit of up to 5 people in lines inside and outside the premises;
- · a ban on access to the premises without personal protective equipment (without medical masks).
Prevention measures to avoid the occurrence
and spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
- Follow hand hygiene! Clean hands are a guarantee that you will not spread viruses by infecting yourself when you touch your mouth and nose, and those around you through surfaces. As often as possible, especially after using public transport, after any visit to the street and public places, before and after eating, wash your hands with soap and water or use a hand sanitizer. Carry a hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes to clean your hands in any environment. These simple measures will remove viruses from your hands!
- Carry out regular wet cleaning of the room where you are, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces using household detergents. First of all, pay attention to door handles, handrails, tables, chairs, computer keyboards and mice, telephones, control panels, panels of office equipment for general use and other objects that you touch in everyday life and at work. Keeping surfaces clean is one of the simplest but most important rules! Regularly as often as possible ventilate the room and humidify the air using any available means in the room where you are.
- Avoid close contact with people who seem unwell, who have signs of a respiratory infection (for example, cough, sneeze). Avoid shaking hands and kisses when greeting (until the cessation of the ARI season). Remember that respiratory viruses are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person by airborne droplets (during conversation, sneezing, coughing). Therefore, try to maintain a distance of at least 1-1.5 m from people who have symptoms of a respiratory infection.
- Follow “respiratory etiquette”: cover your mouth and nose with a tissue (handkerchief) when you sneeze or cough; use disposable paper napkins (shawls) that are discarded immediately after use; in the absence of a napkin (scarf) cough or sneeze into the bend of the elbow; Do not touch your nose, mouth, and eyes with unwashed hands.
- Use a medical mask if: you are caring for a patient with a respiratory infection, you may be in contact with people with signs of a respiratory infection.
IMPORTANT! When using medical masks, the following rules must be observed: Hand wash with alcohol-based products or wash with soap. Holding the mask by the ties or elastic bands, bring it close to the face with the white side inward and fix it with the ties (elastic bands) in the position when the lower part of the face is completely covered - both the mouth and nose. At the end, give the desired shape a flexible strip (nose clip), ensuring a snug fit mask to the face. Remove the product by holding the ties (elastic band) at the back, without touching the front of the mask. Discard the removed mask in a resalable waste container. Wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based product. If necessary, put on a new mask following steps 1-3.
IMPORTANT! Use the mask for no more than two hours. Replace the mask immediately if it gets wet (wet), even if less than two hours have passed since use. Do not touch the fixed mask with your hands. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water or use an alcohol-based product after touching the mask used or used. Disposable masks cannot be reused.
“Stay home if you are unwell.” If you have a high fever, cough and shortness of breath, seek medical attention and call in advance.
In case of symptoms of a respiratory infection, including influenza and coronavirus infection (fever, chills, weakness, headache, nasal congestion, conjunctivitis, cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain and a feeling of «aching» in the body) stay home and call a doctor at home.