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International Online Conference «Model United Nations – New Silk Way»
On May 7-8, 2020 the Central Asian International Conference «Model UN - New Silk Way» will be held for the first time online at al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which leads for the fourth term in a row the Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Programme for Sustainability. The event is supported by the United Nations Information Office in Kazakhstan and the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in Almaty.
The New Silk Way Model United Nations is a large-scale international project for university and high school students who act as diplomats from different countries and reproduces the activities of the UN. During the conference, participants will discuss current world problems on given topics as well as ways to solve them, including the implementation of the 17 SDGs.
The program is focused on drawing attention of students to the global problems of our time: shaping the complete picture of the world, developing research skills and ability to overcome conflicts through intercultural communication and international dialogue.
The online event will bring together international experts, representatives of the UN and diplomatic community, university and high school students from around the world.
The Online Model UN New Silk Way includes following committees:
- General Assembly – 75 years of the United Nations (in English), Topic: The 75th anniversary of the UN - peacekeeping and peacemaking;
- General Assembly – 75 years of the United Nations (in Kazakh), Topic: The 75th anniversary of the UN – peacekeeping and peacemaking;
- World Health Organization (in English), Topic: The COVID-19 Pandemic and «infodemic»;
- UNESCO (in Russian), Topic: Youth and online access to education during the pandemic;
The online conference will be held on the Discord platform. Registration is required by May 3, 2020, on the website: http://munnsw.kz or please follow the link below: https://forms.gle/HqxVF2a8fcaKrHn46.
Contacts: Alexandra Kodratyeva (Communications Manager), м.тel.: +77072182297, e-mail: newsilkwaymun@gmail.com, Bibinaz Almanova, (The Event’s Curator), м.тel.: +77086893448, e-mail: almanova.biibinaz@kaznu.kz.