


Faculty of Oriental Studies of Al-Farabi KazNU, together with the Cultural Representation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Kazakhstan and the University of Tabatabai, organized an international online course to study the Persian language and literature.

The online course is conducted by Iranian teachers from the University of Tabatabai under the guidance of Dr. Ourang Izadi, who is a Visiting foreign professor at KazNU. For teachers and students from Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries, lectures are held on the following topics: the history of the Persian language; the origin of the Iranian group of languages, the ancient Persian language and cuneiform writing, the Middle Persian language (Pehlevi), and modern grammar, etc.

The course participants are particularly interested in the famous monument of Persian literature, the national epic of the Iranian peoples – Shahnameh. They have been given a great opportunity to learn more about the history of the creation of the «Book of the Kings» and to familiarize themselves with the legends «Bizhan and Manizhe», «Rustem and Sokhrab», «Rustem and Isfandiyar» and others.

The Faculty of Oriental Studies plans to continue conducting online courses with partner Universities from different countries using modern IT technologies.