The KazNU’s lecturer and the student of the Department of General and Applied Psychology took first place in international competitions.
Associate Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology Zukhra Sadvakasova took first place among professional psychologists in the international competition «Lightning Talk». At the competition, she presented the «Chest of Conflict Literacy», which includes 128 methods. It is designed specifically for mediators and conflict resolution specialists. International experts highlighted high professional level and skill of KazNU’s lecturer, the relevance and practical significance of the project for psychologists and conflict resolution specialists, as well as its universality in application.
Student of Al-Farabi KazNU, Zhanna Karabalina, majoring in «Psychology», has won the first place in the international competition «Science Slam», which was held in Serbia. The competition was aimed at developing students’ cognitive and creative abilities, their professional self-realization, and involvement in research and project activities.
Zh.Karabalina has been obtaining the second higher education qualification at the Department of General and Applied Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science. Under scientific guidance of Associate Professor of the Department Z.M. Sadvakasova, she has presented a project entitled «Psychological Support for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder», which was highly evaluated by a competent jury. It should be noted that earlier the author has presented this project at «Farabi Alemi» International Scientific Conference for students and young scientists, where she also has been nominated for the first place.