


Newspaper «Liter» of April 13, 2020.


In a state of emergency, when it is necessary for the whole society, including the younger generation, to show responsibility and unity in the fight against the pandemic, social and youth policy becomes relevant. How the coronavirus has affected the life of students, what problems young people have faced and what activity they are showing under quarantine conditions – this issues was a main theme of our conversation with Sholpan Zhamanbalayeva, Vice-Rector of the largest University of the country – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, where more than 26 thousand students are studying today.

- Sholpan Yerbolovna, do Kazakhstani Universities manage to «keep a hand» on the pulse of social mood and well-being of the students in the conditions of distance learning?

- This task is solved through direct and prompt communication with each student. Let’s assume that all curators-adviser of the University conduct online chats in messengers with students and parents. The heads of subdivisions of all levels – heads of Departments, Deans of Faculties and University management – communicate with students in social networks. The University's call center is open round the clock so that the student can promptly receive an answer to any question or consultation. During the quarantine services and centers of the University organize webinars in social networks on psychological and legal support of students and their parents. The work of the Committee of Youth Organizations of the University, which unites the leaders of student self-government bodies and more than 100 youth organizations, is extremely important. The student asset continues to participate online in the work of all collegial bodies and is really a subject of educational and management process.

- Can you tell us, what are the main problems that students face under quarantine and how does the University help to solve them?

- Today we see that the most acute problems are those related primarily to tuition fees. In this regard, the University provides benefits and discounts for certain categories of students. They cover almost 3.5 thousand students from among excellent and socially vulnerable groups. It has become a good practice to raise funds from outside to establish social scholarships for students from low-income families. In the past three years alone, over 400 million tenge has been raised for this purpose. In view of the difficult economic situation during quarantine, students are also provided with installments in payment for their studies. Currently, there are about 900 foreign and non-resident students of KazNU in Almaty. They have received targeted assistance in the form of foodstuffs and the necessary medical protection and household goods for a total of 2.5 million tenge.

- How can the creative development of young people be supported under quarantine conditions?

- All previously planned debating tournaments, scientific conferences, olympiads, project competitions, amateur art, meetings with interesting people and much more we are now conducting in a new format – online. And the best students are also encouraged by diplomas and money, as before. For example, 75 winners of the International Scientific Conference «Farabi Alemi» and competition of startups and innovative projects, which this have been held remotely, were awarded money prizes totaling 4.6 million tenge. By the way, I would like to note that under quarantine conditions, students’ interest in the events only increased. They actively participated in such socially important projects as «Ainalandy Nurlandyr», «100 Books», «Cult of a Healthy Body» and others. The proof of this is a huge number of participants and a lot of videos and posts shared by students in social networks within the projects. The University clubs and clubs in scientific, professional, patriotic, socio-political, spiritual and moral, volunteer areas continue to operate remotely. The first qualifying round of the National Contest «Men Zhastarga Senemin» has started in the same format, which has been a significant platform for the development of patriotism and civic responsibility throughout the country for eight years. Traditionally, the program of the competition includes nominations for the best student innovative project on the theme: «My Real Contribution to the Innovative Development of the Country», social project «Qaiyrymdy Qogam», as well as the best essay contest «What can I do for the Prosperity of my Country», poetry and a song on the patriotic theme. Almost 5 thousand students from all regions of Kazakhstan have registered on the web platform of the contest. The results of the contest will be summed up according to tradition in November at the Forum dedicated to the Day of the First President. The main prize for the winners is a grant of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for a year of free education.

- In the conditions of struggle against the spread of a coronavirus especially actual are questions of the organization of the volunteers to the state and society. Are there any students of your University among the volunteers?

- According to the results of the survey of the Centre for Sociological Research of the University, which was conducted remotely among 31 thousand students of Kazakhstan, for young people during the pandemic and quarantine regime the values of life, health and virtue have become more important than usual. The students massively participate in the Challenge «Qaiyrymdy Qogam», initiated by the University within the framework of national movement «Biz Birgemiz». The youth together with scientists of University participates in projects on creation of new antiseptics, methods of sterilization of subjects of medical appointment and manufacturing of special protective helmets. As volunteers, our students help retired persons and poor citizens, distribute food and medicine to needy families, organize sewing and distribution of reusable masks. More than fifty Master's and Doctoral students of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health of KazNU, who are certified doctors, are «on the front line» of the fight against coronavirus.

Interview by Oksana Lysenko, Almaty.

Interview published in the newspaper «Liter» on April 13, 2020.