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On May 30, 2020 at 12.00 in the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the annual traditional Meeting of the Alumni Association Council was held in online format, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr al-Farabi. Graduates of the Higher School of Economics and Business of different years, now representatives of government agencies, the scientific community, the business community, partner universities from Kazakhstan, near and far abroad, teachers and students of the Higher School of Economics, took an active part in the Alumni Day on the Zoom platform.
After greeting the participants of the Alumni Association Council, Dean of the Higher School of Economics, Associate Professor Rimma Sagieva, and Zhatkanbaev Yerzhan, professor of the Management Department, guests and graduates traditionally sang the Gaudeamus International Student Anthem.
The rector of KazNU im. al-Farabi, academician Mutanov Galymkair, and Chairman of the Constitutional Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Alumni Association of al-Farabi KazNU, Doctor of Law, Professor Kairat Abdrazakuly Mami.
After welcoming addresses, a video about the achievements of the university “al-Farabi KazNU: University, looking to the future” was connected to the viewing.
The meeting of the Alumni Association Council continued with the presentation of the achievements of the university and the faculty by the Dean of the Higher School of Economics, Sagieva R.K., with the support of the project of the Alumni Association of al-Farabi KazNU "Mentoring: opportunities for everyone."
The Council of the HSEB Alumni Association intends to apply the principles of mentoring for the development of the alumni community of our university: to help maintain and enhance the quality of life and professional experience of the alumni community.
Congratulations in online format were joined by 1985 graduate Mirmanov Aibek and Chairman of the Council of the Higher School of Economics Alumni Association Mukaev Daulet, as well as graduates with optional speeches, as a result of these speeches graduates of different years shared their memories of their student years, their experience, as mentoring involves communication and constructive interaction of the graduate-mentor and student in the framework of events organized by the Higher School of Economics and departments, as well as personal meetings (including on-line format).
After the performances of the graduates of the anniversary, students of the HSEB made a musical greeting.
By tradition, the Dean of the HSEB summed up the results of the Meeting of the Alumni Association Council in an online format.
And he closed the meeting of the Council of the Alumni Association at the Higher School of Economics and Business in the online format the musical number “Armandastar”.
The event was also attended by anniversary graduates who graduated from the specialty "Finance" and "Accounting and audit".
President of the Eurasian Academy of Economics and management aitkali Shokalievich Nurseit who studied at the faculty of Economics of the Kazakh state University from 1957 to 1962, took part and expressed his wishes.
In support of the University's projects, the alumni awarded scholarships to 4 students.
Graduates who are far beyond outside Kazakhstan, noted that thanks to the recognized diploma of KazNU, they are successful.
Every year, the department receives scholarships named after academician of NAS RK Aubakirov Y.A. the best students on behalf of graduates, families, the best teachers. This year, scholarships named after Aubakirov Y.A. Amalbek K. (3 year), Turganov T. (1 year) were awarded to students of the specialty "Economics". Amalbek K., receiving the third time this scholarship, expressed gratitude to the professor of the department Aubakirova Z.Y. for material encouragement and support of talented students.
The moderator voiced congratulations from foreign partners - colleagues from the University of Kansas - Professor Mohamed al-Hoderi and the university of Padova – professor David Cheletti.
With warm wishes, addressed the graduates of the Department, Deputy head of the Department "Business technology", PhD, graduated in 2005 N.A. Tovma, specialist of procurement Department of JSC "Zhilstroysberbank" graduate 2015 B. A. Bazarbaev, graduates of the bachelor 2015 marketer of "Samat show technics" J. A. Abdulhakov, marketing specialist of the company "Kazakh holding" T. Murataliev.
Alumnus of the Department of Management made suggestions for establishing contacts with students to exchange experience, to conduct industrial practice. Tashlanov S. (2010 year of issue) put forward the idea of holding mentoring sessions.
Then the musical greeting of students of the Department of Management "Koshtasu valsi" especially touched the participants of the meeting with its melodic and deep words of the song text. After that, the other participants of the meeting shared their impressions.
At the end of the meeting, the results were summed up: developing ties, supporting the project of the Graduates Association "Mentoring: opportunities for all", expanding the base of graduates, forming guest lectures, master classes, encouraging students to participate in various prestigious competitions, developing networking, etc.
Alumni Day aims to raise and strengthen the corporate spirit and solidarity. After all, our university is a second home for all graduates, where they are waiting and the doors for graduates are always open.
Link to video: https://youtu.be/1tGtqG_vvbA