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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with the support of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia held an international online conference «The contribution and significance of Al-Farabi for the world civilization», dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker of mankind. The event aroused great interest of the academic community and brought together over 250 participants from 16 countries. It was attended by leading scholars and researchers, who study Al-Farabi’s spiritual and scientific heritage, teachers and students, Mass Media representatives and public figures.
Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, academician Galym Mutanov, opened the online conference. In his speech, he noted the role and significance of Abu Nasr al-Farabi, an outstanding scientist and thinker, for the development of civilization. He told how KazNU has been implementing the project «Al-Farabi University Smart City» based on the ideas of Al-Farabi, which made it possible to develop and implement its own model of development of a new generation university – «University 4.0». G.Mutanov emphasized the evolving role of higher educational institutions not only in the context of scientific and innovative development, but also in the aspects of spiritual and moral education of the young generation as citizens of their country and the world. The speaker concluded his speech by quoting the great Al-Farabi: «Only together, united, people can achieve happiness. Only by uniting many people who help each other ... a person can find the perfection to which he is destined by nature». He highlighted that this thought is particularly relevant today, when the world is struggling with the Coronavirus pandemic, when humanity is facing new threats and challenges that can only be overcome together.
Arken Arystanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Republic of Singapore and New Zealand, has made a welcoming speech at the conference. He noted the important role of Kazakhstan in keeping and promotion of Al-Farabi’s heritage, as well as the importance of international scientific cooperation and collaboration in this direction.
Prominent scientists and farabiologists from universities of Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, as well as a number of Kazakhstani HEIs made presentations at the conference. They have revealed various aspects of Al-Farabi's ideas and philosophical thoughts – from theoretical scientific approaches to socio-economic and moral-ethical views. It was noted that Al-Farabi's works became a connecting spiritual bridge between West and East, and his treatises had a great influence on the formation of worldview and development of science in Europe during the Renaissance.
In the final part of the online conference, the speakers’ speeches turned into an active and interactive discussion about the relevance and relevance of Al-Farabi's ideas to the development of modern society. Participants agreed on the need for further in-depth and comprehensive research and promotion of the Abu Nasr Al-Farabi’s heritage.