
Orientation Week


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has traditionally started a new academic year with an orientation week, during which more than 100 online meetings and seminars were organized and conducted, including on the issues of combating corruption.

The Rector of KazNU Galym Mutanov, Vice-Rector, Directors of Departments, Deans of 16 Faculties, 68 heads of the Chairs, 245 curators, first-year students and about 3 thousand members of the club «Sanaly Urpaq» have attended the online events.

The students have get acquainted with the University’s anti-corruption policy, the anti-corruption standard, the code of academic honesty and honor of students, the rules of internal regulations, the work of the club «Sanaly Urpaq», and a virtual campus tour was organized for them.

In the course of the online seminars, teachers and curators exchanged views on how to improve educational activities, experience and practice of working remotely. The students have also been provided with the introduction to the innovations developed by the Anti-Corruption Department of the University, and the process of implementation of the project «Corruption-Free University» aimed at creating an anti-corruption environment in the University and zero tolerance for any manifestations of unfair practices, and the introduction of modern anti-corruption technologies. The participants of the seminars were provided thematic videos about integrity and were given practical and methodological recommendations and answers to their questions.