
The «Best Debater» in KazNU


Aigerim Borangazy, a student of Al-Farabi KazNU, has won the Internet Olympiad «Electoral Systems of the World» among the students of higher education institutions of Kazakhstan, in the competition the «Best Debater».

Ten students attended the second round of the Internet Olympiad from six HEIs of the country. The competent jury considered the skills of debating on such urgent issues as: advantages and disadvantages of functioning of bicameral parliament in a unitary state; principles of formation of election commissions and voter lists; voting with the use of Internet and postal communication etc.

According to the results of the competition, Aigerim Borangazy, a 4th year student of the Law Faculty of Al-Farabi KazNU, gained the victory. The jury highly appreciated her great intellectual potential, her deep analytical skills, as well as the content and form of presentation.

We congratulate Aigerim on her deserved victory and all participants of the Olympiad with such a wonderful event!