
The Rector of KazNU Gave an Interview to a Chinese Journal


The «Journal of World Education», a famous Chinese journal, has published an interview with Galym Mutanov, Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The publication contains detailed information about the history and achievements of the Kazakhstani leading higher education institution, which is successfully advancing in world rankings. The Rector tells in detail about the transformation of KazNU into a world-class research University, the scientific and innovative potential of the HEI, the process of its digitalization, and activities as the head of the Global Hub of the UN Academic Impact Program on Sustainable Development. He also highlights the issues of international cooperation, including with Universities and Research Centers of China, implementation of joint projects with them.

The «Journal of World Education» focuses on international best practices in science and education and the activities of the world’s leading Universities. It has been published since 1986 with the support of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China.

Интервью ректора КазНУJournalofWorld Education.pdf

Interview of Academician Galym Mutanov.pdf