
«Nevada-Semey» Against Nuclear Testing


Activists of the youth organization, jointly with the International Anti-Nuclear Movement Nevada-Semey, celebrated the day of the last explosion on the Kazakhstani soil by organizing an online round table on «The decisive role of the IAD Nevada-Family and its leader Olzhas Suleimenov in stopping nuclear tests in Kazakhstan and closing the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site».

The round table participants discussed the current issues of the anti-nuclear movement, recalled the history of the Semipalatinsk test site, and summed up the results of the Nevada-Semey movement and the large-scale projects and initiatives that have been implemented over the past 30 years.

The event was attended by First Vice-President of the international anti-nuclear movement «Nevada-Semey» Efim Lvovich Zuslin, veterans of the anti-nuclear movement, representatives of the youth organization «Nevada-Semey» of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The Head of the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development of Al-Farabi KazNU Tursynkul Amankeldievna Bazarbayeva gave a welcoming speech.

Addressing the participants, First Vice-President of the international anti-nuclear movement «Nevada-Semey» Efim Lvovich Zuslin said: «The international anti-nuclear movement «Nevada-Semey» was able to stop nuclear explosions not only in Kazakhstan but also throughout the world. We are glad that the new generation has set global goals – to stop the build-up of nuclear weapons and to live in a free world».

Viktor Mikhailovich Inyushin, a veteran of the international anti-nuclear movement Nevada-Semey, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of Al-Farabi KazNU, in his speech emphasized the inspiring and motivating role of the leader of the movement O.O. Suleimenov. In the midst of the ideological confrontation between the USSR and the USA – the «Cold War» – Olzhas Suleimenov wrote a poem «Wild Field» with an appeal to the world to think back. «If the world does not long for you, Kazakhstan, do not be sad. The world is tested by you. Kazakhstan, if you can, forgive me. And may the ban on trials be praised!» – wrote O. Suleimenov. The penetrating words and real deeds of the poet still inspire today Kazakhstanis who are not indifferent to what is happening in the country and the world and are ready to support the international anti-nuclear movement «Nevada-Semey».