
Autumn Portrait of the Great Al-Farabi


The students of KazNU and volunteers from Almaty have 'painted' a portrait of the great thinker Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, for which they used the 'colours of autumn' - the leaves.

At the stadium of the leading University of the country, Al-Farabi KazNU, an unusual painting appeared - an image of Al-Farabi, and this is not by chance. The University bears the name of a great philosopher and scientist who is called the Second Teacher of Humanity in the world. This year, under the auspices of UNESCO, the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi is being celebrated internationally. And young people have dedicated their artistic creation to the jubilee year.

KazNU helped the creative group to organise a complex artistic process. The idea took two days of preparatory work from morning to night and several trucks of leaves, which were collected in parks and squares of Almaty. KazNU stadium was decorated with a man-made miracle - a grandiose portrait of Al-Farabi impressive in its size - 76 meters in height and 66 meters in width. The participants in the unusual creative flash mob believe that this is the largest image of a great thinker in the world. And their creation was inspired by the origins of Al-Farabi, who was born on Kazakh soil and his rich creative heritage that gave rise to the European Renaissance in the Middle Ages. 

The portrait of Al-Farabi was painted with leaves by the young artist Dzhokhar Yunusov, who recreates images of famous personalities, historical figures and our contemporaries from different materials and in a non-standard way. His like-minded young people from different higher education institutions of the city help him in this. More recently, a talented young man "painted" a portrait of Abai in a large car park with water and dedicated his work to the 175th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet and educator.

From a bird's-eye view, the portrait of Al-Farabi impresses not only with its size, but also in the eyes of a thinker one can read gratitude to the descendants of his native land, who remember his compatriot and follow his invaluable ideas of virtue, unity and mutual assistance to each other.