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New «Return of the Teacher»
An online round table dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, the outstanding thinker of the East, was held at the Virtual Center of Abai at the American George Washington University with the participation of representatives of KazNU. During the meeting the issues of significance of the heritage of the philosopher and his image in literature were discussed.
The Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the USA Yerzhan Kazykhanov, son of the author of the book «Return of the Teacher» Anuar Alimzhanov, famous Kazakh journalist Askar Alimzhanov, professor of George Washington University Peter Rollberg, doctor of historical sciences of Smithsonian Institute of USA Paul Taylor, director of Al-Farabi Center Bekzhan Meyrbayev, and professor of KazNU Aliya Masalimova participated in the event.
Famous Soviet writer, winner of the J. Nehru International Prize and the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR Anuar Alimzhanov wrote the novel «Return of the Teacher», which takes us back to the Middle Ages. The place of action is the cities of Central Asia and the Middle East, where Abu Nasr al-Farabi, the protagonist of the story, named the Second Teacher (after Aristotle) for his deep mind and extensive knowledge, created his treatises. Following the thoughts of his hero, conveying the subtlest shades of his state of mind, the writer creates an impressive image of an outstanding scholar-educator.
During the event, the book «Return of the Teacher» by Anuar Alimzhanov was presented. It was first translated into English in collaboration with «Liberty Publishing House» in New York City.
As unanimously noted by the round table participants, the creativity of great people reflects the era in which they lived. However, Abu Nasr Al-Farabi is not just the «face» of his time, he expresses the endless human desire for perfection. The problems raised by him remain fully relevant to the present, and their resolution will contribute to bringing man closer to the ideals of dialogue between East and West.