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KazNU opens the Hall of the First President
The Hall of the First President – Elbasy N. Nazarbayev - was opened at Al-Farabi KazNU. The event was timed to coincide with the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan, which is celebrated in the country on December 1. The event was attended by the Director of the Library of the First President of RK-Elbasy, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Amerhan Rakhimzhanov, Rector of KazNU academician Galym Mutanov, scientists of the University, representatives of the public and the media.
The Hall is an educational center, where materials are collected on the history of the formation and strengthening of the national independence, headed by the First President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. Among the main sources of the Hall’s fund are books by Elbasy and materials containing historical research on the first years of Kazakhstani independence. Photographs, paintings, copies of archival documents, printed editions and works, video films about Elbasy, his school and student years, his working life and social and political activities are widely represented.
The opening of the Hall at the leading higher education institution of the country is of great educational importance, as the life path of the First President of Kazakhstan is the brightest example of serving the Fatherland and a model of patriotism for the young generation of the country.
The participants of the event got acquainted with the work of the Global Hub of the UN «Academic Impact» Program on Sustainable Development, which KazNU heads since 2014 for the fourth consecutive term, and they also visited the historical and artistic complex «Mangilik El», Al-Farabi Museum and the fund of rare books and manuscripts, exhibitions «Seven Facets of the Great Steppe», Alash and Abai halls.
During the event, the Library of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy presented 100 unique books created by the author team headed by the Head of the Chancellery of Elbasy, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor M.B. Kasymbekov to the University.
«Today we are not guests of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, for many years we are partners of the University, - emphasized in his speech the Director of the Library of the First President of the RK – Elbasy Amerhan Rakhimzhanov. - Some years ago N.Nazarbayev acted in KazNU with lecture «Kazakhstan in the post-crisis world: intellectual breakthrough to the future», which is included in the book «Lectures of the First President of RK – Elbasy N.A.Nazarbayev in leading universities of the world». The heritage of the Leader of the Nation is the fundamental basis of the future of our Motherland. Coming to this hall, every student and guest of the university will receive a powerful charge for self-development. The example of the First President of Kazakhstan serves as a benchmark for the development of a new generation of strong and ambitious Kazakhstanis».
Rector of KazNU Academician Galym Mutanov thanked the guest of honor for many years of cooperation and support in creating the thematic hall of the First President. «The value of this hall is that unique editions, which contain a huge amount of information about the activities of Elbasy and information on the recent history of Kazakhstan, become available to our graduate and doctoral students. Here will be held scientific and practical conferences and seminars, meetings of the expert community, scientists and specialists in the field of culture and education», - said the Rector.