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In Almaty on November 23, 2020, at 2:00 p.m., a ceremony of rewarding the winners of the VIII Republican Youth Forum «MEN ZHASTARGA SENEMIN!» dedicated to the Day of the First President of the country will take place. This year the competition, which aims to develop patriotism through the prism of innovation and creativity, was held in online format.
Al-Farabi KazNU has been holding the Republican Youth Forum since 2013. This year it was launched in April, in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, all stages were held in an online format. The participants of the annual forum competed in such contests as: the best student innovation project «My Real Contribution to the Innovative Development of Kazakhstan»; the best essay «What Can I Do for the Prosperity of My Country», a poetic work of civil and patriotic orientation «I Believe in Youth!» and a patriotic song «Mangilik El Muratim!», the best project to promote the principles of decency «Sanaly Urpaq».
The Forum is developing, gaining popularity, and the list of its nominations is updated annually. This time it was complemented by a competition for the student charity project «Qaiyrymdy Qoǵam». In addition, a nomination «Audience Award» was established, the winners of which will be determined by viewers and subscribers of the Forum's installation account men_jastarga_senemin_kaznu.
Over 5,000 students from all regions of the country have registered for the forum. Creative projects and video presentations were evaluated by an independent jury consisting of authoritative specialists – public figures, representatives of business, government agencies, mass media, scientists, culture and artists. As a result, 300 best projects reached the final of the last round.
The winners and prizewinners of the competitions will be awarded diplomas and valuable prizes. The first place winners will receive a grant for one year of free study at Al-Farabi KazNU. In addition, the winners will have the opportunity to participate in a summer camp that will be organised in the University next year.
Detailed information on the forum can be found at www.kaznu.kz, the AlFarabiTV YouTube channel and the Instagram men_jastarga_senemin_kaznu page.