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Al-Farabi KazNU scientists appointed the title of distinguished academicians of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Al-Farabi KazNU scientists – Habibulla Kussainovich Ospanov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Physical Chemistry and electrochemistry, and Vladimir Jumakadyrovich Junushaliyev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor – were appointed the title of distinguished academicians of the National Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU, academician of the National Academy of Science Republic of Kazakhstan Galym Mutanov congratulated the scientists on reaching this momentous milestone, noting the contribution made to the development of science and university, and emphasized the push they give to students and young scientists to engage in research.
The academician Habibulla Ospanov and Vladimir Junushaliyev are famous not only in Kazakhstan but abroad as well. They are at the head of scientific schools that deal with current research areas, essential for both basic and applied science.
Habibulla Kussainovich Ospanov has established a new scientific approach in Kazakhstan – general principles for predicting differences in mineral and solvent reactivity in the context of mineral and unithiol processing. He developed 34 new techniques, unparalleled in world practice, 23 of which were implemented into production, including the Kazakhstani military-industrial complex, chemical industry and non-ferrous metal smelters manufactures. The researcher is the author of 4 scientific discoveries and more than 1200 scientific works, 153 of which gained inventor's certificates for various inventions and patents, with 3 of them being international USA patents, and 23 monographs published in Great Britain, Germany, Russia. Under his guidance trained 48 candidates, 6 doctors of science and 3 PhDs.
For his merits in the field of science, the academician Habibulla Ospanov was rewarded with various international and national awards: a medal of the Republic of Kazakhstan for excellence in science, a personal platinum medal and a listing in the “Outstanding 21st century scientist” book (Cambridge, England). He is a state scholar of the “Outstanding scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan” grant, the laureate of the national independent “Platinum Tarlan” competition in the “Science” category, and the nominee for Nobel Prize from the International Hydrogen Energy Association (Miami, USA).
Vladimir Jumakadyrovich Junushaliyev is a famous researcher in the world's academic research communities in the fields of gravity, cosmology and quantum chromodynamics. He is one of the highly cited Kazakhstani scientists abroad with a h-index of 18. He provided results critical for the development of science. Published in an authorship and under the direction of the academician Vladimir Junushaliyev are more than 200 articles in the leading scientific journals of Europe and USA.