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Kazakhstani “Al-Farabi Center” is to be launched in the USA
The scientific and educational center is to be established in Maryland (USA) by the mutual agreement between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation (CECF).
This will be an important event in the development of cooperation between the United States and Kazakhstan in the year of celebrating the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, the Great Philosopher of civilizations.
The Center will become a unique international platform for the implementation of joint projects in the field of promoting the golden encyclopedic heritage of the outstanding thinker of humanity Abu Nasr Al-Farabi, whose name the Kazakh National University bears with dignity.
The main mission of Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation is the development of cooperation between peoples of different confessions and cultures.
The head of the Foundation Mr. Mohamad Bashar Arafat noted: “From this point of view, addressing to the spiritual heritage of Al-Farabi is of great importance in the modern world, especially in the context of a pandemic and profound changes in the world economy and politics. Al-Farabi's teachings carry the ideas of unification and cooperation to achieve a virtuous and perfect society, and they are especially relevant today, when the world is facing new threats and challenges. "
Lately, KazNU jointly with the George Washington University in America, and with the support of the Embassy of Kazakhstan in the United States, held an online round table dedicated to the anniversary of the great thinker. The University has established and actively operates 12 Al-Farabi centers and houses in different countries around the world. This is the first time this kind of center will be launched in America.
The agreement to open the first Al-Farabi Center in the United States is regarded as a sign of high respect to the personality of the thinker of humanity and special interest in his humanistic heritage. Dynamic international activity of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, its effective interaction with American partners will allow the Al-Farabi Center in Maryland to become an advanced center for studying and promoting the heritage of the great philosopher as a brand of our country, as well as the language and culture of Kazakhstan in the western hemisphere of the Earth.