
Al-Farabi KazNU becomes the winner of the prestigious award “Science Leader - Web of Science Awards-2020”


During the “Science Leader - Web of Science Awards-2020” Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was awarded three nominations, confirming its leadership among Kazakhstani HEIs and research institutes in the field of publication activity in high-ranking journalsү.

On November 25, 2020 the solemn ceremony for the “Science Leader - Web of Science Awards-2020” independent award of the international Clarivate Analytics company was hosted online by the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Al-Farabi KazNU was recognized as the “Publication Leader in Web of Science Core Collection in the “Physics” category in the last three years among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, according to the international information and analytical platform Web of Science.

Alibek Issakhov, Professor and head of the Department of Mathematical and Computer Modeling Al-Farabi KazNU, was appointed the winner of the “Highly cited Kazakhstani author”. Under his authorship 36 publications were published in high-ranking journals of the Web of Science Core Collection database, with a total number of citation – 285.

“Special award for contributions to scientometrics and research assessments in Kazakhstan” was presented to the director of the Center of physicochemical methods of research and analysis of Al-Farabi KazNU – Professor Bulat Kenessov. Professor Kenessov has the h-index of 14 and 37 publications in journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection database.

Al-Farabi KazNU is the leader in Kazakhstan in the number of publications in high-ranking journals: every fifth publication of Kazakhstani authors in journals included into the international databases is due to the input of the University’s scientists.