
Digitalization of Economy and Education


Department of «Business Technology» of the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi KazNU in cooperation with universities of Russia and Kazakhstan held online international scientific and methodological conference «Digitalization of the economy and education: new technologies in the conditions of pandemic» in the framework of the international economic forum «Economic development of the region: management, innovation, training».

Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia), Kazakhstan-German University (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Turgenev Orlov State University (Orlov, Russia) actively participated in the organization of the large-scale forum.

The Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi KazNU, Professor R.K. Sagieva made a speech at the plenary session, and then the conference continued in sections. The conference participants – professors of higher education institutions, doctoral candidates – presented reports on current topics of the forum.

The aim of the international conference was to analyze the current state of the economy and education, taking into account external global challenges such as the coronavirus pandemic. The international conference took the form of a presentation and discussion with an active discussion of the impact of SMART technologies on economic and educational processes under the conditions of the pandemic.

Proceedings of the best presentations will be published in the conference proceedings (ISSN 2542-0690), presented on the e-library platform and indexed at the RINC.