
Mobile lectures


As part of academic mobility, online lectures started at the Department of Fundamental Medicine. Professor Orhan Canbolat from the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Gazi University (Turkey), was one of the first to start this educational baton. Lectures are conducted online for 2nd year students of the specialty «General Medicine».

The professor is a leading specialist in the field of medical biochemistry who has devoted a lot of research time to the study of the biochemistry of lipid peroxidation, the biochemistry of cell metabolism, and a large number of works devoted to the role of micro elements in the work of cells under normal and pathological conditions.

Lectures will be held once a week, each of which will be devoted to one of the most interesting sections of modern biochemistry.

This format of academic mobility allows students not to stop acquiring knowledge in the current pandemic situation, moreover, this type of today is the safest and most effective way to acquire knowledge.

Schedule for this week: Wednesday, Friday 19:00

Guest Lectures Schedule