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Digital technologies in logistics
Department of Business Technologies, Higher School of Economics and Business, al-Farabi KazNU held the 5th International Student Correspondence Olympiad on the topic: «Digital technologies in logistics and marketing» in the specialty «Logistics».
The Olympiad in the specialty "Logistics" was held in two stages. To register participants in the V International Student Correspondence Olympiad, universities filled out and sent an application for participants in the prescribed form. Projects and essays on the specialty were sent by e-mail to the organizers: olimpiada_kaznu2020@mail.ru until 01 December 2020.
In total, 9 applications from 7 universities of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan were submitted for participation in the V International Student Correspondence Olympiad in the specialty "Logistics".
According to the results of the answers sent, the teams in the specialty that received the greatest number of points were selected.
The organizers of the V International Student Correspondence Olympiad congratulate the following winners:
I degree diploma:
Participants: Isabekova Alina Adilkhankyzy, Kushetayev Diaz Sansyzbayuly, Sinitsa Diana Nikolaevna, Khakhazova Amina Nuridinovna
University: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Scientific advisers: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Akhmetova Zauresh Bolatkhanovna, Senior Lecturer Turlybekova Nadira Makhsutovna
II degree diploma:
Participants: Akhmer Arslan Anuarbekuly, Bekmurat Kurkem Begimkyzy, Roh David Leonidovich, Umarova Malika Alisherovna
University: Kazakh-German University
Scientific advisers: Ph.D., associate professor Kegenbekov Zhandos Kadyrkhanovich
Participants: Amanzholuly adilet, Baidildina Aigerim Bauyrzhangyzy, Duisembay Eldar Talgatuly, Kadyrov Shygys Zhenisuly, Kaysar Aruzhan Nurtaygyzy
University: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Scientific advisers: senior teacher Askarov Kani Askaruly, senior teacher Alikbaeva Ainur Bashanovna
III degree diploma:
Participants: Kuantkan Ayazhan Yerkynkyzy, Malik Yelik Kuanyshkyzy, Daniyaruly Akhmediyar, Khayym Nazerke Yerzhankyzy, Ulman Aidana Orazkyzy
University: KazATK them. M. Tynyshpaeva
Scientific advisers: candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Murzabekova Kenzhegul Absultanovna
Participants: Tasbolat Masat Melsuly, Marina Grigorievna Butt, Aida Askargyzy Mensilim, Nikita Sergeevich Tikhonov
University: Academy of Civil Aviation
Scientific adviser: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Imasheva Gulnar Makhmutovna
Participants: Abisheva Aizhan, Bizhanova Moldir, Serikova Zhanela
University: University "TURAN"
Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Associate Professor Abzhapbarova Ainur Zhadigerovna