


Recently, a targeted information attack has been carried out by individuals against KazNU named after al-Farabi. So on the Internet resource YouTube, an unknown person under the pseudonym Rocky Balbo posted a video message about the alleged sale of the university's land plots by the leadership of KazNU to a private person. Then this material began to promote in his Telegram channel M. Kazachkov. Blogger B.Zh.Bazarbek posted a post on the same topic on Facebook. Thus, there is a purposeful whipping up and unwinding of the situation with negative comments, aimed at discrediting the university and its leadership.

In this regard, we consider it necessary to give explanations regarding the so-called land issue being raised. Firstly: neither the university nor the KazNU officials gave their consent to the alienation of a part of the land plot in favor of third parties and did not take part in the division of the land plot in any other way. It should be noted that all property and land is a state asset, therefore, the university does not have the right to own, use and dispose of them.

Secondly: Articles 43, 44-1 and 48 of the Land Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as clause 1 of Art. 4 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Property" establish the rights and obligations of the state in the field of management, transfer / sale of state property, including land plots. In the above articles of the Laws, the procedure for making decisions is legally determined, and any sole decision-making in relation to property and land owned by the state is excluded. Consequently, the university administration cannot, at its discretion, single-handedly carry out the transfer of state property and land.

Thirdly: we inform you that the management of the Al-Farabi KazNU did not develop, did not approve and in no way took part in the development of a land management project for the alienation of land plots in 2017.

Thus, publications in social networks about the alleged involvement of the KazNU leadership in the transfer of land plots do not correspond to reality and are aimed at discrediting it. In connection with the above, a statement on the adoption of measures has now been sent to the law enforcement agencies.