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Students of the Faculty of Oriental Studies received an educational grant of master's degree of the universities of China.
On March, 30, was held the republican Olympiad of Chinese language dedicated to the 20-th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organized by the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University named after Al - Farabi and the Confucius Institute. There were participated students of 2, 3, 4 courses, who study at the Chinese language specialty of the country's universities.
This Olympiad was organized to enhance the knowledge of students, who learn Chinese language in our country, develop their creative skills, and increase their desire and activity in study, also to strengthen relationship between high schools which teach Chinese language.
Among the special guests were the vice-consul of the Consulate of China in Kazakhstan, the head of culture and education, Mr. Gao Chen, there also attended reporters of Xinhua News Agency.
The jury were experts of Confucius Institute Ms. Zhang Jian Fang and Hu Ya Nan, a senior teacher of the Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, Mr. Tao Jing Song and master teacher of the University of Foreign Languages and business career, Mr. Daulet Akbarhan, and the last associate professor of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai , Guliya Alihankyzy .
The test tasks on the grammar of Chinese language are based on fifth level of HSK. It has been prepared by Chinese Confucius Institute. One of three variants of tasks in sealed envelopes will be opened before a round in the presence of participants and jury members. And in this round every contestant must write a translation of the text in Kazakh or Russian language into Chinese. Performing the tasks in the first round takes 90 minutes. According to the results of the test and translation, the first 10 contestant go to the next round.
The contestant must choose one of the suggested topics and write an essay, and then present it orally. And then contestant must answer two questions of the jury on the content of speech.
According to the results of the competition the first place was given to 4-year student of the Kazakh National University named Al – Farabi, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Torekhan Habiev, the second place was awarded to 4-year student of this faculty, Madina Ahmetbek. The third place was given to 4-year student of this faculty Araybek Amantayuly. Winner of the first place was given a cash prize of 16,000 tenge, the second place-10000 tenge, and third place - 5000 tenge by the university administration.
Chinese Consulate also helped in conducting competition, students who was awarded the first three places allocated grants of free education in any city of China. Contestants were also awarded letters of thanks of the faculty.