


In social networks and a number of mass media, information was published about the alleged sale of the university's land plots by the leadership of KazNU to a private person. Earlier, the university presented to the public its position on this issue and officially denied involvement in any illegal actions.

Taking into account the great public outcry, this situation was considered at an expanded meeting of the Academic Council of the University, where a unanimous opinion was expressed about the inadmissibility of unfounded accusations discrediting KazNU and its leadership. Also, this issue was considered during the first meeting of the Board of Directors of Al-Farabi KazNU.

It should be noted that when checking the copies of documents submitted by the authors of publications on social networks M. Kozachkov and B. Bazarbek, it was found that on the title page of the land management project dated 08.08.2017, in which Geo Audit Company LLP is indicated as the project developer », Signatures on behalf of the university are fake, they lack the position and full name of the signer, as well as the official seal of KazNU named after al-Farabi. The same is established on the application dated 08.08.2017 for the development of a land management project addressed to the director of Geo Audit Company LLP O. Bazarbay and a statement dated 16.08.2017 addressed to the head of the Department of Land Relations of Almaty A.Zh. Akhmetov on approval land management project for the preparation of a draft resolution of the akimat.

We officially declare that the university and its officials did not submit or sign any applications and documents regarding the alienation of land plots. In addition, KazNU in 2017 was a Republican state enterprise on the basis of the right of economic management, and not a communal state institution as indicated in the minutes No. 28 of the meeting of the commission for the provision of land plots in Almaty dated 3.08.2017, therefore, in accordance with the current By the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this issue did not have the right to be brought up for consideration by the commission at all.

At the same time, in the ongoing information attack on the university, the aforementioned authors are trying to present a letter No. 9-9-2362 dated 1.08.2017 signed by the first vice-rector of KazNU M. Burkitbaev as a basis for the alienation of the land plot by the university itself. This is yet another unconvincing and “drawn-in” attempt to accuse the university leadership of actions that it did not commit.

In this regard, we officially inform you that the above letter was written in the context of the events that took place in the summer of 2017. As you know, in February 2017, the Akimat of Almaty initiated the "City without fences" program. On June 6, 2017, KazNU received a notification from the Office for Control over the Use and Protection of Lands in Almaty about an unscheduled inspection for compliance with land legislation, and on June 12, an act on the appointment of an inspection was received. During the check, it was found that the territory actually occupied by KazNU named after al-Farabi does not correspond to the boundaries indicated in the identification document. In the act on the results of the audit dated June 14, 2017 and Protocol No. 198 dated June 14, 2017, signed by the state inspector of the department of state control over the use and protection of land A. Bolganbaev, it was indicated that the area occupied by KazNU was exceeded within 0.7 hectares. In addition to this, order No. 370 was also issued on the need to eliminate the violation by July 19, 2017.

The letter signed by the first vice-rector M. Burkitbayev dated 1.08.2017 was written precisely in connection with the above verification and the need to comply with the order, therefore, it indicated a request to correct the boundaries of the land plot of KazNU named after al-Farabi. The content of the letter did not and could not carry any other intent, including the sale, division or alienation of the university's land plot, due to the above facts.

Once again, we officially declare that representatives of Al-Farabi KazNU did not take part in the development of any documents on the alienation of land plots in 2017.

Based on the foregoing, in addition to the previously sent applications to the prosecutor's office and the police department of Almaty, the university on January 8, 2021, filed an application with the police department to take appropriate procedural actions against the director of Geo Audit Company LLP O. Bazarbai and other unidentified persons for fraud and other illegal actions. We believe that this situation should be resolved in the legal field.

Press Release Documents.pdf