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At the Faculty of Information Technologies, the traditional annual seminar "School for Young Teachers" was held, at which topical issues of ethics and teaching methods in the context of online learning were discussed.
The seminar was organized by the methodological council of the faculty with the aim of improving the qualifications of young pedagogical workers of the university.
The event began with a speech by N. Baimuldina “Visualization in the educational process”. In her report, the speaker emphasized that in many respects the quality of mastering the educational material depends on the visual perception of students, therefore it is very important that the material is presented effectively.
The audience accepted the report of A.R. Turganbaeva "Leadership as one of the qualities of a teacher." The topic touched upon topical issues of not only ethical, but also scientific nature, in particular: is it possible to formalize indicators of character traits and combine them into an artificial neural network.
The respected associate professor of the Department of Information Technologies A. Bedelbaev shared his great pedagogical and life experience. He talked about ways to intensify student learning based on the mechanism of increasing the audience's attention to the content of the current lecture, which is very difficult for online learning. A very topical issue of recognizing the results of non-formal education was raised by the head of the department "Artificial Intelligence and Big Data" M. Mansurova. This problem has attracted more and more attention due to the strengthening of the position of various online learning platforms, such as Coursera, Khan Academy, Arzamas, Microsoft Virtual Academy, Universarium, LoftBlog, Lectorium, HTML Academy, eTutorium and a number of others, which are used by millions of students. all over the world.
M. Bisaliev in his speech pointed out the importance of Internet manners in the educational process. "Non-etiquette" - this concept gradually began to enter our professional reality, since today most of the communication takes place online.
Sh.Dzhomartova highlighted the issues of integrating MOOCs into the educational process, spoke about the use of various tools for organizing distance learning LMS Moodle, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet and others, while paying great attention to the Microsoft Teams application, showed its capabilities and advantages.
E. Beybytkhan shared the secrets of involving students in research projects using new technologies and innovative methods.
The reports aroused great interest among the participants of the seminar and gave hope that the use of real methodological advice of experienced mentors by young teachers will help them in their future professional activities during online and offline training.