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A man without regrets in life
At the Faculty of Journalism of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, an international scientific and practical online conference "CREATIVITY OF SAPAR BAYZHANOV - A NATIONAL PERSONALITY" was held, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous statesman and public figure, writer and publicist Sapar Bayzhanov.
A commemorative exhibition of the scolar's works was organized at the conference. The Union of Writers and Journalists of Kazakhstan, foreign scientists, heads of republican media and well-known journalists, public and state figures, representatives of the intelligentsia got in touch on the network and shared their memories of the life of Sapar Baizhanov. During the conference his social activities were especially noted along with the literary and spiritual heritage of the writer.
Nurlan Orazalin, a poet and public figure who was a friend and former collegue of the writer, also shared his memories of Bayzhanov's selfless life in journalism. The chairman of the Public Association "Kazakhstan Media Alliance" Nurtore Zhusup noted the immeasurable contribution of the figure to the return of spiritual wealth as the head of the state archive. Journalist Saule Abishevna said that then, being the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan", she grounded a special page for women and published the supplement "Kalamkas". Then editor-in-chief Sapar Baizhanov paid special attention to the social problems of Kazakhstani journalists and did a lot to ensure that many were provided with their own housing.
Dean of the faculty Sagatbek Medeubek noted the modest character of Bayzhanov and spoke about his exemplary personality. The head of the department, Gulmira Serikbayevna, noted that it has become a tradition to hold a conference of the famous Kazakhstani writer, journalist, publicist Sapar Bayzhanov. She also emphasized that many of his works, including journalistic ones, one of the first published books "Ush Kiyan - Ush dagyl", "Er enseli el", which includes essays on business trips abroad, are now offered to student journalists. The writer's example shows that works should be adapted to modern life, studied in a new way and created a scientific environment that preserves the spiritual heritage.
Akseit Galiya Manatovna, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Printing and Publishing, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, made a report "Features of journalism of Sapar Baizhanov".
For many years Sapar Baizhanov headed the country's leading newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan" (now "Egemen Kazakhstan") and made a significant contribution to the cultural and social development of his contemporaries. This legendary personality, editor-in-chief, journalist, scientist, candidate of philological sciences Sapar Bayzhanov was a graduate of our university. Sapar Baizhanov, the author of such popular studies as "Reflections on a Contemporary", "Archive-Testimony", "Abai and Archives", "Kazakhs on a Pilgrimage", after graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of the Kazakh State University in 1952, worked as a literary worker, head of the department of workers youth, deputy editor of the youth newspaper "Leninshil zhas" (now "Zhas Alash"). From 1958 to 1965 - executive secretary, deputy editor, editor-in-chief of the magazine "Culture and Life" (now "Parasat"), from 1965 to 1973 he held responsible positions in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan. From 1973 to 1983, Sapar Baizhanov was the chief editor of the newspaper "Socialist Kazakhstan", and from 1983 to 1994 - the head of the Main Archive of the Republic. He was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Badge of Honor, and many medals. A collection of memoirs about him "A man without a grudge against life" was published.