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Traditional «Barmankulov readings» At al-Farabi KazNU
The International Scientific and Practical Online Conference "New Media Landscape of the XXI Century" was held at the Faculty of Journalism of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, dedicated to the memory of the founder of television and radio journalism in Kazakhstan, Professor Marat Karibayevich Barmankulov, who laid the foundations of the scientific school of journalism in Kazakhstan and made a significant contribution to the development of national television and radio broadcasting and was a mentor for many generations of Kazakhstani journalists.
The conference was attended by Barmankulov’s relatives and friends, his sister Bayan Karibaevna, his daughter – Alua Barmankulova, former students of the professor, friends, colleagues, associates, researchers of journalism, mass communications, media specialists, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Faculty of Journalism.
Marat Karibayevich Barmankulov-Tankin played a great role in the life of everyone who is related to journalism. As a professor, teacher and practitioner, he influenced his grateful students, because he loved and was devoted to the journalism.
He was born on February 13, 1937 in the city of Talgar, Alma-Ata region. In 1954 he started at the journalism department of the philological faculty of the Kazakh State University named after Kirov. After graduation in 1959 he worked at the Alma-Ata television studio: first as a correspondent, then as an editor, commentator. In 1961 he entered the graduate school of the Faculty of Journalism of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. After graduating from graduate school in 1964, Barmankulov successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis at Moscow State University and from 1965 worked at the Faculty of Journalism of KazNU until 2000.
In 1980, Barmankulov defended his doctoral dissertation at Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, receiving the title of Doctor of Philology. This was the first doctoral dissertation in journalism defended in Moscow, at Moscow State University. Marat Karibayevich was a doctor of philological sciences, professor, academician, founder of television and radio journalism in Kazakhstan. Barmankulov was the founder of the Institute of World Journalism and Literature in the 1990s. He created the International Academy of Eurasia, was its vice-president.
He was a pioneer in many areas: in 1959, he was one of the first commentators and reporters of Kazakh television, he was the first journalist to report through PTS, a mobile television station. The first graduate student who was Kazakh of the Faculty of Journalism of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. The first who defended his doctoral dissertation at Moscow State University on the topic "Comparative analysis of the genres of print, television and radio broadcasting." The first founded the Department of Television and Radio Journalism in 1972 and was its permanent head, head of the department until his last days.
Marat Karibayevich Barmankulov (1937-2000) - worked at his native university for over 35 years. Since 1965, he worked his way up from an assistant of the department to a doctor of philological sciences, professor, dean of full-time and part-time faculties of journalism. Barmankulov's first books "Reporting on Radio and TV", "The Whole World in Your Apartment", "Journalism for All" are also reference books for the current generation of student journalists of the 21st century.
Marat Karibayevich Barmankulov is an academician of the Kazakhstan Academy of Journalism, an outstanding scientist, TV journalist, author of many books on journalism and mass communication, cultural studies, and Turkic studies. His books on television "Opportunities of Space TV" (1997) and "Television: Money or Power?" (1998) talk about new trends in television broadcasting in the world and in Kazakhstan, about the emergence of commercial television and radio companies in the early 1990s. He was the first Kazakh researcher to study the emergence of the Internet in Kazakhstan and its impact on electronic media, on the development of society.
Barmankulov was the author of over 20 monographs on journalism, television, cultural studies, and Turkic studies. The range of creative and scientific interests of Professor Barmankulov was large and multifaceted. In the 1990s, Marat Karibayevich directed his scientific interest to the study of Turkic history, Turkic roots, working in the libraries of Moscow, Istanbul, Seoul. Archives, ancient manuscripts and chronicles began to speak under his pen. - “How was it to be known that a certain Bekbulatovich was the Tsar of Russia under Ivan the Terrible? Who and where wrote that Boris Godunov appointed a prince from Kazakhstan to be the head of the Kasimov kingdom? Who could have guessed that the Türks already had their own publishing house in the 11th century? That they developed two of their own alphabets? What are the Turks associated with the cultures of Harappa and Elam? "
This is evidenced by his books: "Crystal dreams of the Turks about quadronation", "Golden Woman", "Türkic Universe. Eurasianism in everything and always ”,“ Khan ... Ivan ”,“ Heirs of the White Swan. Türkic roots of Russian writers ”,“ This multipolar world ”and many others. The last decade of the twentieth century, he studied Eurasia, Turkology. His books were the result of his searches, deep reflections on the meaning of life. Marat Karibayevich noted that "talents and knowledge absorbed in the process of communication and symbiotic living in the same territory with other peoples, passing from one generation to another and improving, not only merged into the genes of mononation, they raised it to a new level of civilization."
He made a huge contribution to the training of journalistic personnel in the republic. Barmankulov created his own scientific school, which develops in the person of the current professors, associate professors: Akhmetova, Ibraeva, Barlybaeva, Nurgozhina, Kabylgazina, Tursyn, Moldabekov, Nurzhanova, Shorokhov, Baikenova and many others.
I remember how in 1989 he took the young staff of the department with him to the International Conference in Moscow, at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and proudly introduced all of us to our Moscow colleagues. There we met leading professors of Moscow State University, authors of many books and textbooks on audiovisual journalism: Ruzhnikov, Tsvik, Tkhagushev, Yurovsky, Boretsky, who are the founders of television and radio journalism in the Soviet Union.
Marat Karibayevich was a generator of new ideas, projects, books, conferences. For 40 years, Marat Karibayevich was a researcher, mentor, teacher, creative person, kind, sensitive and responsive person, the conscience of the faculty. He was responsible for the fate of his friends, colleagues, students.
Every year, on his birthday, the traditional "Barmankulov Readings" are held at the Faculty of Journalism at Al-Farabi KazNU. So today we held the 20th "Barmankulov Readings".
Pupils and associates of Professor Marat Karibaevich Barmankulov continue his work already in the XXI century.