



The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, in his article "Independence is the most precious thing", instructed to develop a concept for celebrating Nauryz Meiramy and enrich the content of the spring holiday. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University proposed an original and diverse concept of a large-scale celebration of Nauryz - meiramy, which will be held at the university from March 14 to 23.

"The main goal of Nauryz Meiramy is to strengthen peace and friendship on Kazakhstani land, preserve national identity, popularize family values, and form a respectful attitude towards the environment," the Head of State emphasized in the article "Independence is the most precious thing." Developing a plan of festive events, the university leadership and event organizers were guided by these large-scale tasks.

The festive decade at the university starts on March 14 and will begin with the holiday "Kөrisu kuni", during which the student youth will congratulate everyone on the great Day of Ulys and tell about the meaning and essence of the holiday. This ancient tradition has a deep educational meaning, recalling such enduring universal human values ​​as kindness, patience and love.

The second important event is Shezhire kuni - Memorial Day, which will be held on March 16. Particular attention will be paid to the issues of the history of the nation and the meaning of the genealogy of man, the roots of which go back centuries. Memorial Day will reveal the true wanderers of many chronicles and stories that are not only of historical value, but also contribute to the spiritual and moral development and education of the individual.

The Faculty of History of KazNU will hold the Day of Memory of History on March 17. Within the framework of the decade, a republican round table "Tarikhқa taғzym: Zhagaru men zhagyru" will be held, which will be dedicated to the historical events associated with the activities of the "Alash" movement. The theme of the event will remind the society of the difficulties and hardships that befell our predecessors and will help to realize the responsibility of every citizen of Kazakhstan for the fate of their country before future generations.

Intelligence Day, which will be attended by all scientists, university professors, is scheduled for March 20. The main goal is to teach the young rising generation to think correctly, gain knowledge and maximize their intellectual capabilities. Scientists will reveal the secrets and ways of correctly memorizing folk sayings and proverbs, tongue twisters and riddles, poems and poems. They will tell you about the techniques and techniques for learning languages ​​and the development of intelligence, they will introduce you to interesting national games that contribute to the mental and physical development of the younger generation.

On the same day, the debate intellectual club "Altyn Sapa" will hold a competition "I speak Kazakh!", Representatives of all nations and peoples inhabiting Kazakhstan are invited to participate. The competition will be held online.

On March 22, the Faculty of Oriental Studies will celebrate the Day of the Spring Equinox of Nauryz-meiramy. Teachers of the Faculty of Oriental Studies will deliver video greetings in Kazakh, Turkish, Arabic, Persian. Students of the faculty will talk about the national values ​​and traditions of Nauryz Meiramy, which is celebrated in all countries of Central Asia, as well as in Georgia, India, Iran, China, Turkey and many other countries of the world. Nauryz is recognized by the UN as an international holiday.

All events will be held online.